Biology Colloqium: Beyond Google Searches: Strategies and Resources for an Effective Job or Internship Search

Published on Aug 01, 2017

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Beyond Random Google Searches:

Strategies and Resources for an Effective Job or Internship Search 

Rebecca Dordel

Career Coach, CBS Student Services 

Untitled Slide

Photo by velkr0

Garbage In Garbage Out

Photo by ilan sharif

Where We Get Stuck

  • Don't know what we are actually looking for or want in a job or internship
  • Don't know which resources we should trust
Photo by terriem

The Plan

  • Questions to Ask Yourself
  • Ways to Search
  • Resources to Help

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • What organizations have a mission I admire?
  • What skills would I like to build?
  • What experiences would help me learn more about myself or a career of interest?
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Why Ask These Questions?

  • Helps you define your own personal rubric.
  • What is important to me, and do I have priorities?
  • How do I know whether to pursue or discard an opportunity?

Writing Your Interest Statement

Your Interest Statement(s)

  • I am at my best when...
  • I am engaged when...
  • I contribute most when...
  • I am intellectually stimulated when....
  • I am successful when I am...

Anti- Interest Statement

  • I am disengaged when...
  • I am bored when...
  • Time goes so slowly when...

Pair and Share

Photo by ryancr

Connecting Interests to Opportunities

Photo by Philip Oyarzo

You Don't Know What You Don't Know...

Photo by cowbite

But you do know some things!

Photo by spratmackrel

Field or Industry

  • Broad enough that you won't miss what you "don't know"
  • See the "big picture" of the jobs available
  • Identify more specific keywords that are common in positions of interest to you
  • Examples: Education, Healthcare, Counseling, Sustainability
Photo by marfis75

Job or Internship Position Titles

Photo by weesen

Desired Title

  • Identify commonly used words in job titles based on your Industry/Field search
  • Be careful: organizations may have completely different titles for similar positions
  • Example: Manufacturing Associate, Researcher 1, Junior Scientist


Photo by Mediocre2010

Industry Specific Skills

  • Can be based on the skills you possess or desire to use in a job or internship
  • Or by identify commonly used skills in the job postings you've found based on an Industry/Field search

Types of Skills

  • Transferable/ Functional
  • Personal Traits/Attitudes
  • Knowledge-Based

Other Ways to Search

  • Company or Office Name
  • Location
  • Job Type

Meet with a Career Counselor!

Untitled Slide


Photo by Stefan Baudy

CBS Student Services

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