Jason Schnittker’s article, “Enduring Stigma: The Long-Term Effects of Incarceration on Health,” details the social effects that prison has on the prisoners. “Enduring Stigma” encourages the idea that prison has more negative affects after prisoners are released from prison, rather than while they are in prison (Schnittker par 1). Often, prison creates a negative stigma that the prisoners are forced to deal once integrated back into society. This Stigma impacts areas such as disability, welfare use, and the parents of deviant children. Prison adds to diminished wages and marital instabilities. (Schnittker par 1). Because of this stigma, members of society who have been released from prison are much less likely to find work, and therefore are unable to provide for their families. Because of this, their children are in poorer schools in less wealthy areas. Therefore their children experiencing a less valuable education, and the cycle repeats itself. Because of these reasons, the prison system and the pursuit of judgement are causing an endless cycle of prisoners circulating into and out of the system. There are little to no programs in place to reintegrate prisoners into society, therefore bringing them to their destruction, rather than rehabilitating them. (198)