Gass(1997) defined L2 learning: interactions, communication breakdowns to prime the language acquisition pump
Instructors attend to more traditional measures, care more about the four skills have been adequately addressed, and are interested in the practical applications of any given
technological tool or textbook
CALL programs and activities were praised for supporting reading (Chun 2006), cultural knowledge (Blake 2013), and writing (Oskoz & Elola 2014a) but NOT speaking and listening.
examine the advantages afforded by CALL with respect to the four skills and pay particular attention to speech production and listening comprehension
the use of captions, transcripts, input enhancement, electronic glossaries, links to dictionaries, or speed control (Cárdenas-Claros and
Gruba, 2012; Chapelle, 2003)
mixed results depend on individual factors
package authentic materials & create effective listening activities for learners
content curation: the collection of enriched media for the learner organized by topic, language level, and other features (Hubbard, in press)
Young University’s Arclite Project; Berkeley Language Center’s Library of Foreign Language Film
Clips; ELEclips for Spanish, CLILstore by the European Union
how to put together sound pedagogical tasks to
accompany the videos
In a TBLT approach, the linguistic level of the videos can be higher than what the
learner can produce, but the task can be fitted to correspond to their learner’s present abilities.
using social digital tools as part of a multimodal and staged
approach to collaborative writing (Oskoz and Elola, 2014a; Kessler, Bikowski, and
Boggs, 2012)
CMC tools foster
collaborate work and feedback at stages of the writing process (Oskoz and
Elola, 2014a)
revisions, re-writings, and re-editing produce improvements; reactions from other readers and audience stimulate more effort (Yoon, 2008;
Oskoz & Elola, 2014b)
Competence is no longer just grammatical but also communicative, symbolic, and relational, ruled by pragmatic, sociolinguistic, and cultural considerations. (Hymes 1974; Kramsch 2009; Kern 2014)
4 skills are not self-contained proficiency modules that can be adequately evaluated in isolation (Hulstijn 2011, 2015)
all of them connect to multicultural competence and the construction of a bilingual identity (Kramsch's Third Place)
teachers construct sound TBLT activities by a more integrated implementation of L2 learning with an impressive array of CALL tools standing at ready to help