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Red Scare

Published on Dec 01, 2015

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Red Scare

A promotional fear of rising communism.
Photo by Mark Surman

Palmer Raids

Raids by the U.S. to capture and arrest anarchists.


People who were against immigration.

Ku Klux Klan

A group of nativists that wanted to "Purify" America by lynching or getting rid of immigrants. 


A form of religion that upholds strict belief of the scripture.


to ban the maufacturing and sales of alcohol.


Secret bars with illegal alcohol.
Photo by Andy Magee

Federal Reserve

The central banking system of the U.S.

Stock Market Crash

Sudden decline of stock prices.

Hawley Smoot Tariff

An Act signed to raise U.S. tariffs.

Dust Bowl

A period of series dust storms in the1930's.


A resident or native of Oklahoma.

Bonus Army

Name of a group of 43,000 marchers to demand cash repayment.

Bank Holiday

A public holiday in the UK.
Photo by flavio.leone

Al Capone

An American Gangster who gained fame during the prohibition era.
Photo by bradleygee

Warren Harding

29th President of the U.S.
Photo by sjrankin

Calvin Coolidge

30th President of the U.S.
Photo by Forever Wiser

Herbert Hoover

the 31st President of the U.S.
Photo by cliff1066™

Marcus Garvey

Jamaican political leader, was a staunch proponent of Black Nationalism.

Zora Neale Hurston

American folklorist, anthropologist, and author.

Langston Hughes

One of the earliest innovators of the literary art form called jazz poetry.
Photo by On Being


1920's style for "rebelious" women with short hair and short dresses, smoking, and going to bars. 
Photo by thefoxling

Art Deco

A style of art in the 1920's that was very popular.

Model T

Produced by Ford Motor Company, it helped with transportaion and privacy.
Photo by qi.Thomas

Harlem Renaissance

Cultural, social, and artistic explosion between the end of WW1 and the 1930's.

Back to Africa Movement

It encouraged those of African decendent to return to their homeland.


The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.


American Civil Liberties Union, to defend the individual rights.


A genre of music popular in the 1920's.
Photo by tunachilli

Fireside Chats

A series of radio addresses given by President Roosevelt.
Photo by cliff1066™

One Hundred Days

Referring to the 100 day session of the 73rd U.S. Congress.
Photo by jessie owen

New Deal

Domestic programs enacted in the U.S.


Programs that helped U.S. citizens in times of need.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

32nd President of the U.S.
Photo by Marion Doss

Eleanor Roosevelt

First lady of the U.S. since 1933 to 1945.

18th Amendment

Banned Alcohol.

19th Amendment

Gave women the right to vote.

21st Amendment

Repealed the 18th Amendment.

National Origins Act

A law that restricted immigration.

Volstead Act

Was created to carry out the 18th Amendment.
Photo by 55Laney69

Sacco and Venzetti

Italian immigrants who got accused of a crime they didn't do.

Scopes Trial

John T. Scopes was arrested for teaching students about human evolution.
Photo by screenpunk