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Slide Notes

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You Own Copyrights

Published on May 23, 2016

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Untitled Slide

Photo by hbp_pix

paintings, poems, articles, photographs

Bundle Rights

The right to make copies

Photo by Musespeak


handouts for class

Derivative works: a work based on pre existing works

Authors agreement are negotiable

Students own copyright

There are some situations when an educator might want to reuse a student's work
Photo by Rex Pe

As an example of other students

Inspire and direct 
Photo by cybrarian77

How educators can treat their students' work

  • Asking
  • Explaining how the work is going to be used
  • Attributing the work to the person who created it

Who owns this work that I've created?

Do I own it, or does my employees own it?

US employers own the copyright

when the employee creates a work with in the scope of their regular employement
Photo by StefanieJ2

full time teachers, elementary school, high school, college, university; the institution own their creative work.

Photo by MDGovpics

Work outside the scope of your regular employement

It is always your work
Photo by Len Radin