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7 Keys to Effective Feedback

Published on Dec 16, 2015

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7 Keys to Effective Feedback

7 Keys to Effective Feedback

Feedback is...

Information about how we are doing in our efforts to reach a goal. 
Photo by mag3737

1. Goal-Referenced:
First, you must have a goal and take action toward achieving the goal. Then, you can receive goal-related information to help you progress.

2. Tangible and Transparent:
Involves tangible results related to the goal.

Photo by Silicon/e

3. Actionable:
Concrete, specific, and useful information

Photo by Arto Brick

4. User-friendly:
Concrete, concise, and accessible information

Photo by *vlad*

5. Timely

Photo by Jeni Rodger

6. Ongoing:
Many opportunities to reshape the work, make errors, and then progress.

7. Consistent:
Information that is stable, accurate, and trustworthy.

Photo by Jason_Bowler

Less teaching more feedback, so try it out!
This approach will build greater autonomy and confidence over time.

Photo by Spirit-Fire