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Biome Project: Tundra

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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The Tundra

Sam Dersch

The Tundra

  • Arctic Tundra- youngest biome.
  • Cold in Winter; Dark in Summer
  • World Driest/Coldest Biome
  • Tundra is covered with marshes, lakes, bogs and streams.
  • Windy Place (30-60 mph)
  • Mostly Snowfall (100 inches in some places)

The Tundra (cont)

  • Has short growing season.
  • One of Earths 3 major Carbon Dioxide sink. (takes in more CO2 then it releases)
  • Fragile Environment
  • Cold temperate makes it hard for the environment to adapt.
  • Many people set up towns if they are working in mines or oil rigs.
Photo by foto3116


  • Tundras are one of the earth's coldest and harshest biomes.
  • Treeless
  • Cold, Windy
  • Hardly no rain
  • Snow covering the ground

Average Precipitation

Average Temperature


Photo by fotoroto

Artic Moss

  • Genus: Calliergon
  • Species: giganteum
  • Aquatic plant found growing in arctic sea beds.
  • When it is not growing, it stores nutrients so new leaves can be made quickly next spring

Arctic Willow

  • Genus: Salix
  • Species: arctica
  • Found in the North America Tundra.
  • They grow prostrate, shrub, and carpet.
  • The leaves are oval shaped with pointed tips, wedge shaped bottoms, and have little stalks.


  • Genus: Arctostaphylos
  • Species: uva-ursi
  • Low Growing evergreen
  • Thick Bark, Fine Silky Hairs
  • The flowers have 5 petals and are pink.
  • Found in dry, non-nutrient soils.
  • Very USEFUL plant. All parts of the plant can be used for something.

Caribou Moss

  • Genus: Cladonia
  • Species: rangiferina
  • Grows on ground and on rocks.
  • Looks like a foamy, gray- green spongy mass.
  • Made up of fungi and algae.

Diamond-leaf willows

  • Genus: Salix
  • Species: pulcha
  • The twigs are sort, slender, and bend easily.
  • Some leaves have serrated edges.
  • Grows a few inches tall and creeps on the ground.


Photo by tsaiproject

Artic Fox

  • Genus: Lagopus
  • Species: alopex
  • Makes its home in small burrows, in low mounds, or in rock piles.
  • Scavenger: Finds its own food.
  • About 10-16 Inches Long
  • Weighs About 6-12 pounds
  • Lives about 15 years.
Photo by WmPitcher


  • Genus: Rangifer
  • Species: tarandus
  • Sturdy animal with short legs.
  • Brown Fur: Darker in Winter and Lighter in the Summer.
  • Large, Spreading hooves supports in the snow.
Photo by djwudi

Musk Ox

  • Genus: Ovibos
  • Species: moschatus
  • It can live in the harsh condition by its thick coat.
  • It can way 396-880 pounds.
  • It gets its name from the odor produced by glands beneath the bull's eyes.
  • They get really defensive when they feel threatened .
Photo by mmmavocado

Snowy Owl

  • Genus: Nyctea
  • Species: scandiaca
  • Considered the largest and most attractive of the owls.
  • It is called the Snowy Owl because of its white feathers.
  • Weighs 4-6 pounds. 21-26 Inches Length
  • The male uses echo calls to attract mates.
  • Shy and hard to get close to.

Polar Bear

  • Genus: Ursus
  • Species: maritimus
  • Largest carnivore on earth.
  • 2 layers of fur. Fur is clear not white.
  • Females lighter then males. Highest weight is 990 pounds.
  • Really good sense of smell.
  • Endangered