“If my students don’t get certain test scores, my job is in jeopardy,”
asserts the overworked teacher.
I don’t have TIME to teach math AND character.
“What do you mean, you’re going to teach my child character?” questions a suspicious parent.
“I don’t want the school to teach him something against my values.”
“People are going to be mean no matter what you try to teach them,”
argues the jaded teenager.
All of these “character” programs are a big joke.
Point #1
Is teaching character education/ character development a waste of time?
Point #2
Are schools responsible for character
The development of children’s characters is
an obligation we all share, not least parents. Whilst parents are the primary educators of
their children’s character, empirical research tells us that parents want all adults who have contact with their children to contribute to such education, especially their children’s teachers.
Aristotle noted, “All adults involved with children either help or thwart children’s growth and development, whether we like it, intend it or not.”
Point #3
Is character development/ character education is as important as Academics?
Good character education is good education. Recent findings show that effective character education supports and enhances the academic goals of schools: good character education promotes learning. It is clear that just as we cannot avoid character education, we cannot afford to implement it half-heartedly or wrong- headedly. We need to take character education as seriously as we take academic education.
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