The newest park - Katahdin Woods and Waters in Maine - was created on the eve of the NPS centennial, August 24th, 2016
At the 2016 DNC, Chelsea Clinton shared a childhood memory of "Dinosaur National Park" but it's actually Dinosaur National Monument! (
While Yellowstone, est. 1872, is often cited as the world's first national park, Mongolia is known to have the world's first protected area from at least 1778 - Bogd Khan Uul (Whitten, 2009)
Drabold, Will. "Read Chelsea Clinton's Speech at the Democratic Convention." Time. Time, 29 July 2016. Web. 08 Sept. 2016.
Whitten, Tony. "Mongolia: Tough Decisions about the World's Oldest Nature Reserve." East Asia & Pacific on the Rise. The World Bank Group, 28 Apr. 2009. Web. 08 Sept. 2016.
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