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Let's Get Social by using Facebook correctly - staying out of Facebook Jail.

Facebook Dos and Don'ts

Published on Feb 05, 2016

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Let's Get Social

Let's Get Social by using Facebook correctly - staying out of Facebook Jail.
Photo by antwerpenR

This webinar is for those of you who want to know how to make your FB profile really 'POP' and Standout.

For those of you who want to organize their friends into different lists so different info will go to each group.
You got on Facebook in the early stages but don’t know if you are doing things the right way. Ie. What are the basics re what makes a good cover photo?
How do I make my own photo stand out?
You are in business but have more friends on your profile than you do your business page and want to learn how to optimize your profile
Have lots of friends on your profile and a business page but with all the changes on Facebook, you’d like a good review of the basics so you can maximize your profile and tell your story.
Photo by rosswebsdale

Winning Friends And Influencing People GloballyUsing FACEBOOK

With Elizabeth Harrington + Corinne Floyd

Did You Know?

Over 50% of all ecommerce is done through Mobiles.
Stats from Video: Did you know? Mobile Drives over 50% of all ecommernce. More people own a mobile than a toothbrush. Mobile and Social HAVE merged. By 2018 video will account for over 2/3 of mobile use.
The AVG person has a .07 attention span and a goldfish has .08
4 Cs of Digital Marketing: Creating, Curating, Connecting, Culture

Word of Mouth NOW World of Mouth

"The only way to have a friend is to be one."

Ralph Waldo Emerson
We are going to talk about how to engage on facebook and make friends.
Photo by lanuiop

You Will Learn:

  • How to be a good friend
  • How to be an even better follower
  • The secrets to connecting with people of influence
  • How to magnetize your FB Profile
  • Simple ways to use Social Story Selling (yes we'll explain what that is!)
  • Why "Groups" are key to connecting with like-minded people
  • How "Lists" can be used.


  • 6 Key DO'S to build engagement, stand out in the crowd, and be more productive.
  • 6 Key DON'T DO's to avoid common pitfalls OR land in FB Jail.
  • + Bonus tips ...
This is a basic review with some creative tips on working with your PROFILE.
There will be more lessons offered at the end of the webinar so make sure you watch to the end.

Tell your story. Let your story be artfully crafted so people will get to...

Photo by julio.garciah

Know you, Like you and Trust you.

Do become genuinely interested in other people.

Let’s get started by getting some of your ideas into a Plan.

Photo by .aditya.

Do create a plan.

Either schedule the times of day you plan to post or use a tool to help you.

post planner

Photo by reidab

What do you want out of your FB experience?

Examples: More personal friends? More influential friends? A way to promote you, your expertise and position you as an expert? A way to keep on top of what’s going on in your industry? Or a way to learn about what’s going on in the world? Trending is how many people find out about news as it happens.

In your plan, how about a Makeover?

Photo by Patrick Q

Do have a smiling picture of yourself.

Photo by e³°°°

Don't be too far away.

Too Far away, Too Sexy,(nightclubby) No big dark glasses, Big hats or BIG Hair or too much makeup or last Halloween’s costume.
Photo by stueydee

Do start creating your story in your About section.

Most overlooked –Start crafting your Story right here, right now. Short list some of the people you admire the most and go to their ABOUT…start writing down words, and ways they write in their ABOUT section. We will be teaching more about this in our next lessons.
Whole sections can be masterfully set up to tell your most compelling story though your book selection, TV, movies, images, philosophy and so much more.

Never done always an ongoing project.
Photo by Magenta Rose

Do schedule times to post.

For women-first thing in AM -often before the rest of the family is up and about. Also later in afternoon. Later in evening as family is settling down.
Rule of thumb for good manners for posting on FB? 3-7 posts a day. NOT all at once-shows you are a amateur. Not enough time? Schedule ahead.

Post Planner

Do Win Friends and Influence People.

Do Follow First, Friend Request Second

Just like courting someone-it takes time to get to know someone and for them to know you. The Follow is a great way to start to learn about someone –at a distance. You can pop their name in a list (more on setting this up later) and check on what they post to learn more about them over time)
What does it mean to follow someone?

When you follow someone, you'll see their posts in your News Feed. You automatically follow people who you're friends with. You can also follow the posts of people who've allowed Everybody to follow them, like journalists, celebrities, political figures and other people you’re interested in but aren't friends with.

Some well-known public figures with large followings are verified by Facebook and have a blue badge next to their names to help you know that they're who they claim to be. Keep in mind that not all authentic profiles are verified and that you can't request to have your profile verified.

Send a message asking permission to connect with them.

Analogy - you don't ask someone to make a commitment to you when you have not built a relationship.
Photo by jjjj56cp

Don't send requests to people you have NO connection to.

Don't friend request without any communication, or any relationship at all
Photo by Ennor

Because they do not know, like or trust

you YET.
Here is Why?

Facebook doesn’t like this nor do most people. There is sense that there is any thing in common. FB does let you know how many friends you have in common but I am always shocked at how many people make friend requests without any communication, or any friends in common. A big NO NO.
Did you know FB tracks the number of people you friend request who say they don’t know you? Too many-you’re in danger of being considered a SPAMMER by FB-trouble is we don’t know what the number is. So Don’t do it.
Photo by Editor B

Do Engage Daily

Photo by prosto photos

Do take an interest in other people’s posts-by liking their posts.

Photo by angermann

Do join in the conversation by commenting on their post.

Do share their posts with your friends.

Top brownie points- for sharing

Why? Facebook tracks ALL the activity on each post and gives high marks to those who get the most engagement. Likes are at the bottom for the lowest score, then comments but the GOLD STAR goes to ..drum roll….SHARES!
Photo by C!...

Don't be a lurker or a creeper.

Don't be a silent friend - the whole reason for social media is to be social - Just as in the offline world - the person who engages, asks questions, takes an interest is the person who makes friends.

Tips from Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends and Influence People
Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
Make the other person feel important - and do it sincerely.
Become genuinely interested in other people.
Photo by worthyfm

Do ask for permission before adding people to a group.

Photo by Sarah Parrott

Never just add people to groups without inviting them first.

Never Just ADD people to a group.
Notes: People get very hostile when this happens (Facebook will suspend you if there are complaints and this is one of the biggest complaints)
Photo by SAIatCalU

Facebook is a great place to Build Relationships

When you start a group-a good way to reach out to people with the invite once they know you, Like You and Trust You.

Untitled Slide

Do become the "go-to" person.

Do post and contribute valuable,useful content to pages and groups that establish you as the "go to" for a certain topic.

Suggest resources, answer questions.

Add value-best way is join a group and help by answering people’s questions, or sending people links to experts with the answers if you’re not. We’re going to give you more tips on this in our future lessons.
Photo by sbeez

Do Be A Good Friend by HELPING others.

Do use private messages to

connect with friends and prospects.
Move the conversation to email, text, phone or face to face interaction.
Photo by rahen z

Don't use private messaging for

promotional purposes.
Even though it is a private message it is still under Facebook control you can be considered a spammer.
Photo by Toban B.

Bonus Tips

Photo by Ed Yourdon

Good way to use Birthday App-every day!

Where to find the birthday icon. How to use it effectively.
Get noticed by posting Happy Birthday a day early or a day late - especially if you are posting to someone who has a lot of FB friends - Your birthday wish will get lost in the timeline if you post like everyone else.

Go early, Go later with friends who have a lot of friends..
Use lots of different images to stand out-we’ll cover more of how to do that in our next lessons.
Photo by Doha Sam

Don’t use Facebook to vent your religious or political views.

Spread the Love

One of the fastest ways to get known by someone you want to get their attention?
Photo by Lee Ann L.

Do a Like Bomb

"Like Bomb"
What is a like bomb?
Go and click LIKE on at least 3 posts on one person’s profile…I do a number of those each and every morning. Now you go and do it too .
Great way to stand out in the crowded Facebook world.
Photo by backonthebus

What's Next?

We want to help you tell your most authentic story story in your ABOUT section so the right people will be magnetized by your compelling message.
We want to show you how easy it is to use images to show up and stand out on Facebook. In face Corinne is a master of using video to demonstrate a step by step process for setting up lists + organizing your groups.
She will be using this video process to show you how to use images to make an impact. From where to find the images, how to avoid the dangers of using free images of the web, and how to design using a free tool that makes you look like you are a graphic designer or have one on staff!
We are going to show you how to add lots of value so people will get to know you and really appreciate you so they will recommend you to their friends (the old Referral method) And SHARE your posts, videos, quotes and more with their friends.)

We have a lot more to share with you.

  • help you tell your most authentic story
  • magnetize people to you
  • how easy it is to use images
  • and much more...
We want to help you tell your most authentic story story in your ABOUT section so the right people will be magnetized by your compelling message.