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Photo by designsbykari

Experiments are situations in which the researcher manipulates one variable and then observes the effect of that manipulation on another variable, while holding all other variables constant.

Photo by skycaptaintwo

A group or variable that is manipulated or experimentally treated on is naturally known as the experimental group. While the group that receives no treatment or some other treatment than the original one this is known as the control group.

Photo by jronaldlee

Control groups provide a baseline against what to compare the performance from the other group.

Through experiments the experimenter has two different types of variables independent and dependent.

Photo by Ben McLeod

An independent variable is called independent becAuse the experimenter is free to adjust it at will, offering one, two, or three kinds of treatment.

Photo by chase_elliott

The dependent variable relies on the independent variable or is dependent on it.

Photo by liverpoolhls

There are other variables as wel that take place during experiments ...

Confounding variables are in an experiment and any factor that affects the dependent variable, along with or instead of the independent variable. When Confounding variables are present, the experimenter cannot know Whether the independent or confounding variable produced the results.

Random variables are when in an experiment a confounding variable in which uncontrolled or uncontrollable factors affect the dependent variable, along with or instead of the dependent variable. Examples of these are people's backgrounds, personalities, life experiences etc.

When there are numerous ways in which participants might vary from each other that is it usually impossible to form group s that are matched on all of them instead experimenters just use random assignments which is where random variables are evenly distributed in an experiment by putting participants into various groups through a random process

Photo by sickmouthy

Next is participants exceptions will doing the experiment. One effect is called the placebo or a physical or psychological treatment that contains no active ingredient in the procedure but produces an effect because the person receiving it believes it will.

Finally if participants can have a biased experience during an experiment so can the experimenter. This is called experimenter bias this is the unintentional effect that experimenters may exert on their results.

Photo by CIMMYT