Internet & Regulations Task Force
Formed by the North Carolina Bar Association
North Carolina General Statutes
"When first diagnosed with cancer, she decided to prepare her own Will using She actually succeeded in preparing a “legal will”, ... Unfortunately, without having been counseled on important legal issues, her “legal” will has created many problems for her family."
" Trial judges have little formal guidance, either from the opinions of higher courts or from published codes of judicial conduct. Higher courts have affirmed that judges are to hold pro se litigants to the same standards as an attorney... Judges are also to be efficient, patient, and to ensure that litigants receive a fair trial.
None of those standards, however, are of much help when unrepresented litigants appear in real-world courtrooms.
[Illinois Bar Journal]
Bad solutions to serious problems
"These legal software companies provide documents intended to be filed with the court or used to create contracts and legal rights. But ..., couldn’t we infer these examples as the unauthorized practice of law? What about free legal forms offered by large law firms online? What about realtors and title companies that facilitate the sale or refinance of a house? What about online analysis of cases that have been released? Isn’t this preparing and expressing legal opinions?
These are all instances where people prepare documents that are intended to secure legal rights."
[Law Technology Today]
regulation and data collection
Review the new statute and make recommendations as needed for revisions; collect data from practitioners for citizens that have been harmed or helped by providers which may lead to need for revisions to statute
Work with the Equal Access to Justice Commission, and others, to collect the data to measure whether or not this is helping to serve individuals with unmet legal needs
Identifying changes in the legal market to assess shifts in demand and , and make recomendations for new business models, marketing strategies, and new technology to help lawyers find ways to profitably practice law for the next 15 years
Educate the public and lawyers on these services and the services available through an NC lawyer