The arctic fox eats lemmings, Voles,hares,birds,eggs, carrionand seabirds.The arctic fox catches it’s prey by locating them under the snow. The arctic fox eats normally at day.It will eat what ever it comes across.The arctic fox locates it’s prey by using it’s excellent sense of hearing and then they capture kill and consume it.
The arctic fox lives in the arctic tundra.The arctic tundra is located in parts of North America, Europe and Asia.The arctic has a cold dry climate and a frozen ground.The average temperature in-the winter is -34 degrees celsius and on the coldest days the temperature is -45 degrees celsius.In the summer the temperature ranges between 3 degrees celsius and 12 degrees celsius.The amount of rain the arctic gets each year is less than 10 inches a year.
The arctic foxes fur turns white in the winter to blend into the snow to hide from predators and so their prey can’t see them.They also have thick fur so they can keep warm.Also they have short ears to hear their prey under the snow.
To communicate with other arctic foxes arctic foxes makes a loud yowl if they are communicating a long distance they also make a high pitched sound as a warning of danger.Another thing that arctic foxes have to communicate with other arctic foxes in their certain behaviors and their individual scents.
Arctic foxes are born alive usually in litters of 14 pups.The babies look the same as the adult fox put smaller.The only thing that happens to the arctic fox when it grows up is it gets bigger.