a nation in flux #8

Published on Jul 06, 2016

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a nation in flux #8

Europe awakens
Photo by Werner Kunz

the 8th century


  • 711 - Moslem conquest of Spain
  • Jews assisted and celebrated the Moslems
  • 691 - Dome of the Rock is built in Jerusalem
  • Built Ramla, next to Lod, as a crossroads. Biggest industry was dying
Photo by amira_a


  • Jews in Israel lived in the Shomron, and Galil
  • Many Jewish cities and villages
  • 748 - Jordan Valley earthquake shakes the city of Tiberius
  • Largest Jewish population still in Bavel
Photo by amira_a


  • Conflict continues between Reish Galusa and Geonim
  • 730 - Reish Galusa appoints Geonim that were not inline with previous appointment policies
Photo by Steve Sawyer

Abbasid Caliphate

  • Muslim invaders on June 9, 721, at the Battle of Toulouse (721)
  • 750 - the 90 year rule of Umayyad, Abbasid Caliphate (750-1258) begins.
  • Umayyads were centered in Damascus, and were relatively moderate.
Photo by simononly


  • Abbasids set up a central authority in Bagdad.
  • Haddith: "The ink of scientists is holier than the blood of martyrs."
  • Abbasids are extremely tolerant and the Muslim world becomes the center of world knowledge

First Sefarim are published

  • 750's: Rav Achai Gaon's student, Rav Natrai is appointed ahead of him. He leaves to Israel
  • In Israel he publishes the Sheiltos, halachik discussions on the weekly parsha
Photo by *Muhammad*

Halachik works

  • 760's: Rav Yehudai Gaon's students wrote a halachik guide (Halachos Pesukos)
  • Rav Shimon Kayara: BaHaG - Followed the order of the Talmud. First compilation of the 613 Mitzvos.
Photo by pellethepoet


  • 759: The Reish Galusa dies, and there is no son viable/available to rule. The Caliph asked the Gaon to appoint one of two candidates Anan, and Chananya
  • Anan rebels, becomes a Karaite
Photo by usaid.d4s

Bavel begins its demise

  • Shabbos Candles are now popularized as part of an offensive against Karaites
  • Reish Galusa no longer represented all Jews, and thus loses significance
Photo by rlanvin

End of agrarian culture

  • Most Jews are no longer farmers. Now traders, merchants, professionals, intellectuals
  • 786: Debts could now be collected with non-real-estate.
  • Real estate was a better lien, but no longer prevelant

Out of Bavel

  • Khazzars: Nomads who settled on the Caspian Sea. Ruled most of Southern Russia
  • 740: Khazzars converted to Judaism.
  • This story is dramatized by Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi.
  • 920: Shul is Iran is destoryed, the King of the Khazzars toppled the Minaret in Khazzar
  • Khazzars are defeated eventually by the Vikings 300 years later
Photo by daniyal62

Spanish jews

  • Jews live in Spain since the 1st Temple
  • Muslims embraced Jews as governers
  • Jews were a useful network of resources

French Jews

  • Charlemagne rose to power in 771 and revived Christianity in Europe - Holy Roman Emperor
  • Beginning of documented Ashkenazi Jews
  • Jews began moneylending
  • Charlemagne's 3 grandsons rule France, Germany and Italy
Photo by e_monk

Rael Blumenthal

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