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Acid Throwing

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by Sand Paper

My Key Questions
- Why does this group get treated like this?
- What problems do these women face?
- What parts of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are being violated?
- What are people doing to improve this situation?
- How often does this occur and how?

Photo by zeevveez

1. Why does this group get treated like this?
-Reasons for this horrible act vary. Some cases have been that the women were too beautiful, refusing to marry someone, not staying home as the "housewife", unfaithful, for revenge and many more reasons that are senseless and unreasonable.

2. What problems do these women face?
Medical - Most acid attacks are aimed at the face, causing permanent dis figuration. The amount of damage is determined by the concentration of the acid. The higher concentration, the more damage. The acid can quickly eat skin away, the fat layer under the skin and possibly the bone. Lips and eyelids can easily be wrecked. If the nose gets destroyed there can be many outcomes, the worst one being that the nostrils could close up and the victim may not be able to breath through it. If the ears get damaged, deafness is possible. If the eyes or eyelids get damaged, there is a high risk of blindness.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Psychological/ Mentality - Woman who get attacked don't only have physical problems, but also psychological problems. It's said that they get larger anxiety levels, high chances of depression, lower self confidence, more self conscious mainly because of their appearance.

Photo by biologycorner

Social -
Due to dis figuration and damage to body parts, victims become unable to do a lot of things and become reliant and dependent on people around them. This causes hard time for the family and victims find it difficult to find good employment. Divorce rates are high if a victim is married because the spouse becomes so relied on. Victims find it hard to socialise because of their appearance and cover up and stay home a lot.

Photo by JD Hancock

3. What parts of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are being violated?
- Everyone has the right to life and to live in freedom and safety
- No one has the right to treat you as a slave nor should you make anyone your slave.
- No one has the right to hurt you or to torture you.
- Everyone has the right to be treated equally by the law.
- Everyone has the right to an adequate standard of living and medical help if they are ill.

Photo by Malinkrop

4. What are people doing to improve this situation?
- There are lots of non- governmental organisations all over the world. A major one is the Acid Survivors Trust International (http://www.acidviolence.org) which is a registered charity based in the UK. Their pure intention is to end acid violence. It works with a network in India and many other places. They have raised a lot of money and got medical expertise for acid survivors. They would like to create more awareness to the world in hope that more people will push governments to tighten laws about acid purchasing. Besides this organisation there are more in India including the Palash foundation. But there a bigger groups outside of India, in Bangladesh, Uganda, Cambodia and a few more.

5. How often does this occur and on who?
- In India, numbers are high every year. In 2002, 496 people were attacked. From 2010-2012 the amount of attacks was 225. But these are just the reported attacks, many activists believe that many more attacks happen but are not reported or disregarded. It's said that over 75% of the attacks are on woman and young girls. But men do also get attacked.

Photo by Zoriah

In conclusion
I believe not only in India, but everywhere in the world needs to become more aware of acid attacks because they are common in places and we do not want them to become common in more places. I think the Indian government needs to place more laws about the purchasing of acids and what happens to the criminals that throw acid. I can't understand why they haven't already because it is a common assault and needs to be dealt with. I think the organisations and survivors and incredible and need more acknowledgment. I have learnt a lot about Acid throwing from researching and found it very interesting.