- I have a farm
- 22 horses,1 donkey,3 dogs,2 cats,1 snake,1 cow
- I was born in new york and lived there for 4 years
- I have rode horses my whole life
- I have played softball for 5 years
positive characteristic checklist
I had 14 positives checked off. From this I can see that i am a very good student, and i'm very eager to learn new things. But, I would still like to excel my positives list.
Negative characteristic checklist
I had 3 negatives checked off. These negatives show, I do get upset about failure. And I remember what the teacher say. When we are working in groups I'm always the leader so I need to step down sometimes to let other people be the leader.
True colors
When i took the true colors test, I got a total of 20 gold.this tells me I am very organized, I prepare for the future,and I'm very set on being successful and getting my work done.
Personality test
When I got my results for the personality test I am a ISFJ.this means I am a introverted sensor and thinker, and have a extraverted intuition and feelings.