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Pacific Coast

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by WarzauWynn


  • Middle and norther California, Oregon and Washington
  • Are the most costal western states of the bunch
  • Those three states and Hawaii are similar due to seafood
  • Each of the states has a large Asian population
  • Idaho, though not on the coast contain volcanic soil
Photo by WarzauWynn


  • Hawaii is a chain of 132 islands
  • The natives, Polynesians, mostly live on Oahu
  • In 1778 a British Captain James a Cook discovered the islands
  • There's are Caucasians, Japanese, Filipinos, and Chinese
  • Hawaii became the 50th state in 1959
Photo by theqspeaks


  • Set out for the fertile land of Oregon in 1840s
  • Wagons are expensive, so it was adventurous people
  • The came to cultivate and pioneer on the new land
  • It was a difficult journey. It could mean leaving your families
  • The trips took at least 6 months over rough terrain


  • People would bring sugar, baking soda, pilot bread, salt...
  • ...bacon, cornmeal, parched corn, flour, dried beans and dried fruits
  • There was little food variety. Breakfast was bread and bacon, and repeated
  • Women made apple pie to mix it up.
  • In 1849 gold was found in California, attracting many new people to the land
Photo by BugMan50


  • Washington and Oregon are known for its fruits and nuts
  • Nearly 25% of apples grown in the US are from those states
  • Almost 50% of pears grown in the US also come from those states
  • Apples were first planted in Washington in 1827
  • Strawberries, raspberries, cherries, peaches, and apricots are grown as well
Photo by chefranden


  • Since 1920 they have made fruit and nut candy
  • Aplets are a combo of apples and walnuts
  • Cotlets are apricots and walnuts
  • As the years go on the combos increase
  • Made by two Armenian immigrants


  • Indigenous to Peru, they were spread to Europe
  • Eaten in Scandinavia, Germany, England and Ireland
  • As long as America.
  • Idaho is the most potato bountiful state
  • It's volcanic soil is great for growing them
Photo by andrew.chau


  • Idaho is the only lentil producing state
  • Soft wheat is grown in Oregon and Washington
  • It is fed to animals and cattle so they will be fat
  • The coast has many seafoods such as, clams oysters,
  • Crab, shrimp, fish and salmon. Hawaii has it's own fish


  • Spam originated in Minnesota, is a canned meat product
  • In 1937 this 100% pure pork & ham item entered the market
  • During WW2 spam was used to feed the large armies
  • It was very popular in Hawaii, fitting well into the lifestyle
  • Largest spam per capita purchase in any US state
Photo by dno1967b


  • Macadamia nuts and coffee grow in Hawaii
  • Hawaii is the only US state to produce coffee
Photo by Ken K. Liu


  • Though the pineapple growth has shrunk,
  • When people think of Hawaii they think of pineapple
  • Are the airport you can see boxes ready to be shipped
  • Dole plantation offers pineapple varieties and tourism
Photo by potomo


  • Sugar cane is the main agricultural crop of Hawaii
  • Poi is a tradition starchy Hawaiian food
  • Made by pounding taro stem plant, until it's paste
  • It is eaten out of a bowl
  • Just using your fingers
Photo by Deivis


  • POG is a game imported from Hawaii
  • It stands for Pinneapple, Orange, and Guava
  • What became pogs, were caps from fruit drinks
  • They are often served with fresh pineapple and sugar cane
  • Drink are often sweetened with a sugar syrup. Popular I'm Hawaii
Photo by niallkennedy


  • A luau is a feast
  • The centerpiece is roasted whole pig
  • Wrapped in leave and buried in a pit
  • The meal is accompanied with tradition dancing
  • And singing
Photo by theqspeaks