Introduction to Assessment

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Introducing Formative and Summative Assessment 

Learning is interactive

what is known and What is new (Western Protocol, 2006)


What does it look like to you? 

Assessment AS Learning
Suggests that learning occurs in a feedback cycle.

"For students to be actively engaged in creating their own understanding, they must be critical assessors who make sense of information, relate it to prior knowledge, and use it for new learning" (Western Protocol, 2006, p. 41).

Self assessment/Metacognition

  • Model self assessment
  • Set goals with students and work to achieve them.
  • Develop assessment criteria with students.
  • Internal feedback - the inner voice.

Self assessment/Metacognition

  • Internal feedback - the inner voice.
  • Many and varied opportunities to practice
  • Uncover students' internal dialogue and provide feedback.
  • Provide a safe environment for failure.
  • Adapted from Western Protocol (2006)

Formative Assessment is assessment FOR learning.

Theoretical Framework - Five Key Strateges

  • Teachers share learning outcomes and what success looks like for students at the beginning of lesson.
  • Use of discussion and other learning tasks so students show understanding during lessons.
  • Provide useful feedback to move learners forward during and after lesson.

Theoretical Framework - Five Key Strateges

  • Allow opportunities for students to learn from one another.
  • Students maintain responsibility for own learning progress.
  • Adapted from Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (2009). Developing the theory of formative assessment. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 21(1), 5-31. doi:

How can it work in classrooms?

  • Daily feedback/check-ins with students about their skills progress.
  • Combination of self and teacher assessment which drives the learning agenda and future lessons.
  • Daily assessment relates to lesson and skill development while keeping an eye on overarching objectives.

How can it work in classrooms?

Fun - so the students will do it (technology)
Organic - flows seamlessly from the lesson
Relevent - applicable to lesson and student goals for learning
Meaningful - not just an exercise for marking, but actually moves lesson/learning forward.
(Zdonek, 2016)

Universal Design for Learning

Start from the Outcomes
Question: Think of your lesson plan, how will you assess learning?

Examples of Formative Assessment

Student led lesson without summative grading
Exit Feedback
Concept Maps
Peer Evaluation
Group Debrief (metacognition)

Summative Assessment

Assessment OF learning

Summative Assessment

  • In a perfect world, the final grade should not be a surprise to the student.
  • May be in the form of a number, letter, rubric, written note, or combination of the above.
  • Question: How can summative assessment ensure future learning?

Recording Final Grades

  • Unit completion - back to objectives you set and student goals. What does successful completion mean to you? What does successful completion look like to your students?
  • Teacher comments
  • Grade book storage and saving
  • Online Reporting (school system specific)
  • What do you do with zeros?


Development of and Grading with

Why Use a Rubric

  • Begins with the outcomes and uses action words.
  • Given to students with assigned task.
  • Shared understanding between teachers and students around task expectations.
  • Student work is compared to the standard rather than compared to other student work.
  • Increases teacher consistency in grading.

Developing Quality Rubrics

  • What is the primary outcome that you want from your learners?
  • Determine criteria that students will display to show learning of outcome.
  • Assign depth of understanding to different grading blocks.
  • Explain rubric to students, and test rubric for clarity and depth of knowledge (Bloom's Taxonomy).

Bloom's Taxonomy

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Astrid Kendrick

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