Advanced Academics Meeting

Published on Sep 18, 2016

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Advanced Academics Meeting

September 19, 2016

Untitled Slide

Photo by gamalmorisi

Good Game

Nothing more fun than a
Photo by Will Folsom

Welcome to AAE

Accelerating Achievement & Equity


What is Your Style?
Photo by PBoGS

Leaders should be flexible in every area except what we value.

Photo by @daslive

What You Value for Kids

Take a minute to reflect on

4 Questions about Leadership Style

  • Direct or Indirect
  • Outgoing or Reserved
  • Urgent or Digesting
  • Precise or Unstructured
Photo by toshi.panda


Photo by frankieleon

Family Feud

Photo by dno1967b

November 2
4:30-6 p.m.

Photo by aftab.

Focus Areas

  • Cultural Proficiency with a Growth Mindset
  • Framework for Teaching 2013
  • Instructional Rigor & Innovation

Survey highlights

  • Structured time for informal sharing at every meeting.
  • All day meeting
  • Streamlined reporting
Photo by Dey

Goal Alignment

New System Targets!

Important Dates:

  • November 1
  • January 27
  • June 23
Photo by oschene

Meg Lee

Haiku Deck Pro User