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I chose this picture because this man might be reading up in the ideology of his favorite politician
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Political Vocabthing

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Ideology:a system that usually forms on the basis of economic or political theory.

I chose this picture because this man might be reading up in the ideology of his favorite politician

Conservatism: an idealogy favoring a limited role for government and private initiative by nongovernmental groups in efforts to solve society’s problems

I did this picture because in my mind she is holding the mic boasting her views about (positive ones) about conservatism.
Photo by Michael Vadon

Liberalism: an ideology favoring an active role for government in efforts to solve societies problems

This picture is the one I chose because it says “Liberal Democracy is winning here” and I would say that connects.
Photo by divinenephron

Centrism: an ideology at the middle of the political spectrum that combines both elements of liberal and conservative thought.

I chose the picture because it shows a dart that fell right in the middle, but it COULD HAVE landed anywhere else near the middle, it varies, just as how centrism does.
Photo by ogimogi

Political Party: an organization that seeks to achieve power by electing its members to public office.

A political party seeks to establish power in office. I put a picture of the white house because all parties want a representative there
Photo by wbeem

Two Party System:
A political system in which 2 parties dominate the electoral process and control the government

I put two giraffes because they each would symbolize the 2 dominating parties, Democrat and Republican

Platform: a political parties statement of principles and objectives.

I chose a picture of a platform because the microphone universally symbolizes talking and spreading a movement on an elevated platform, whether that be literally or on places such as social media.

Third Party: a party that forms independently of the two main political parties.

I chose my boy Bernie because he’s independent, does not affiliate with any party.
Photo by Phil Roeder

Independent voter: a voter who does not have any loyalty to one party, and one who votes for candidates on issues, rather than the basis of political ideology or affiliation.

I chose this picture because it shows people voting and there is a chance one of them could be an independent voter.

Candidate: a person nominated for election

I chose this picture because Obama was once a presidential candidate
Photo by JAXPORT