I wonder project
Can we work with partners? No, not on this first project. Once we get one under our belt I will definitely consider it.
How long do we have to work on this? There is no official timeline, but I’m thinking 8-10 weeks should be sufficient to have a great project.
Is this going to be graded? Surprisingly, I haven’t been challenged on this question again. I will not be officially grading them though. I will let them know that their work may be visible to the world and that they will be unofficially grading their projects
When you say anything, do you really mean anything? Anything within reason, but I will be approving your topic ideas before you are allowed to get started.
Do I have to present it to the front of the class? You have to present it in some form or fashion. If you make a documentary, then you will show the movie. If you make a model, you will need to present what you learned to the class. This is about sharing passions and ideas.