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The United Nations

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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The United Nations

Ana Julia Salas Hdz.
Photo by Stefan Kemp

"There are millions of people all over the world ,rigth now ,who are looking for the United Nations for protection and redress against the violation of their rigths and deprivation of their freedom"-Louise Arbour

Photo by wili_hybrid

The United Nations it´s an intergovermental organization to promote international co-operation

Photo by KKfromBB

In 1945, the nations were in ruins. world war ll was over and the world wanted peace.

51 countries gathered in San Francisco that year , to sign a document.

The document was a charter, creating a new organization, The United Nations.

The UN is helping build the better world its founders envisioned 70 years ago.

The organization is financed by assessed and voluntary contributions from the member states. their objetives include mantaining international peace and security, promoting human rigths and fostering social and economic development.

You migth be asking yourself , what are they doing?

Rigth now they are working on 17 thems

  • No poverty
  • Zero hunger
  • good health
  • Quality education
  • clean water
  • Decent work
  • Clean energy
  • Industry innovation
Photo by infinity7664


Photo by uair01