Bible Study

Published on May 17, 2016

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Bible Study

Genesis 24 & 25 NIV
Photo by kfergos


Photo by KOREphotos

Genesis 24

Isaac and Rebekah
Photo by whatmattdoes

Genesis 24

  • Abraham is old and has been blessed in every way.
  • Chief servant is sent to find a wife for Isaac. This wife is not to come from the Canaanites.
  • Abraham said to make sure that Isaac did not go back with the servant.
  • Town of Nahor

Genesis 24

  • Abraham remembers the promise that God would give his offspring the land.
  • Abraham trust that God would send an angel to guide the wife selection
  • Chief Servant Prayed to the Lord for success
Photo by italianjob17

Genesis 24

  • Rebekah was kind and offered water to the camels. She was hospitable and invited the servant back. She agreed to go back with the man.
  • The Servant's prayer was answered
  • The family was not ready to part with Rebekah
  • The family asked and Rebekah agreed to go, marries Isaac
Photo by Wild Lens

Genesis 24

  • What Did We Learn??
  • God's hand is at work in all things
  • Abraham trusts God in Everything
  • Servants follow and trusted God
  • You never know where your hospitality may lead you

How does this apply to my Life?

  • What role did God play in the meeting of you and your spouse?
  • What can we learn about Abraham’s trust in God during his emotional time in his life?
  • Why were the details to Abraham’s servant so important?
Photo by kevin dooley

Genesis 25

The Death of Abraham
Photo by kevin dooley

Genesis 25

  • Abraham dies at 175 years old
  • Abraham’s wife Keturah gives birth to Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah
  • Abraham left everything he owned to Isaac
  • Isaac and Ishmael buried Abraham with wife Sarah.
  • Ishmael lived a hundred and thirty-seven years.
Photo by mikerolls

Genesis 25

  • Ismael’s descendants settled in the area near the eastern border of Egypt, And they lived in hostility toward all the tribes related to them.
  • Isaac marries Rebekah at 40 years of age
  • Rebekah was barren and then Isaac prayed and God gave her twins who jostled inside her. Isaac was 60.

Genesis 25

  • Jacob and Esau. Jacob came out second holding the heel of Esau.
  • Jacob bamboozles Esau’s birth right
Photo by *~M16_Qtr~*

Genesis 25

  • What Did We Learn??
  • Our Children can learn from our faith.
  • God works through our faults.
  • We need to be thankful for what we have.
  • We need to be careful not to take things for granted.
Photo by aftab.

How does this apply to my life?

  • What are some ways children under your care model your faith?
  • How can you see God working in the lives of others through you?
  • What is the result of taking what we have for granted?
Photo by C Jill Reed

Pray for Each Other

Go in Peace!


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