Eight days after a boy is born he is dedicated to the Lord,
And so these faithful followers of God had their son dedicated like every other son in Jewish culture. At this ceremony several things happen, one is the confirmation of the child’s name. And everyone their thought he was to be named after his father….
But after mom said no, he was to be named John, and a message from dad on one of the uncle’s iPads…..and confirmed the boy’s name was to be John…..
that is just not how its done! But apparently when God breaks in he takes precedence over family traditions…..hmmm….
And that wasn’t all that happened - Dad - Zechariah’s voice was restored and he began saying some pretty amazing things about God…that is the meaning behind the word praise - to speak highly of someone…..
After 9 months of silence do you think he would have much to say? It was almost like God was saying Zechariah - since you don’t believe me….then just be quiet and watch me follow through on my promises….
And God did…seems new beginnings like baby dedications are good places to say great things about God, to speak blessings over the lives of newborns, that they would grow to be healthy, strong, committed followers of God, and would learn early that God is a faithful God, one who could be trusted……and that God a gracious God, because dad doubted God’s promise and lost his ability to speak for 9 months……..but apparently Zechariah learned how God is faithful, and God did give his voice back to him…..a voice that would be more confident in God than ever before….…..
The story goes on to say that people realized someone bigger than they are was at work somehow….
And this work caused them to reflect the NLT says, - it literally means “They took it into their hearts…….for some deep time of soul searching….
You get the idea that baby dedication services are times for deep soul searching about what we really believe and why…..
now that is a story worth celebrating.