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7 Principles

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching

The human person is sacred.

Every person is made in the image and likeness of God.

As Catholics we believe that people are more important than things.

People should stay away from plastic surgery and dieting. You are perfect since you are made by God.

Euthanasia, abortion, the death penalty, cloning, and stem cell research go against this principle.

The human person is social.

Humans all need to be around other humans.

When humans are social they are able to appreciate everyone's uniqueness.

When you are social you build self confidence and self esteem.

By being social you build communities and families.

Every human has rights and responsibilities.

This means that everybody has the right to basic necessities for survival, like food, clean water, shelter, and clothes.

Every person also has a right to equality.

Along with our rights, we have the responsibility to make sure every other person has the opportunity to live out these rights.

Everyone has the responsibility to participate in their community and in the world.

Every person is called to help others.

To help others, everyone must work for the common good of ALL people.

We are called to provide for the poor.

Many foundations and charities work to establish better living conditions for those who need it.

We can also save the earth. We do this by being good stewards by respecting the earth.

All being God's children, everyone needs to lend a helping hand however they can. Some ways to do this are by donating or volunteering.

We strive for global unity.

The government aids in creating a just and peaceful society by making laws ensuring our safety.

Solidarity means that we are one family no matter our backgrounds.



The Church unifies people from all over the world.

Every human has a responsibility to work, and a right to fair work.

This means that people were given the responsibility to work to make a living, and to work for God.

We also need to work for a just and morally right cause.

Through excelling in our work, we are worshipping God and following his plan for us.

As Catholics, it is our duty to make sure everyone is working under safe conditions with fair wages.

Every human should pursue peace and help of others.

This means that we need to support peace and equality between all nations, cultures, races, genders, and different people.

We need to advocate for the less fortunate who don't have the opportunities, necessities, and luxuries that we do.

War is only acceptable as a defensive move after all other means of peace have been attempted.

As God's children, we must look out for everyone of the world. Even those who have less than us are our brothers and sisters, and it is our obligation to ensure that they survive and succeed.