Mobile phone technology can be effectively engaged in EFL classroom!
Technologies assist teachers a lot to motivate their students and improve their language classes!
Achieving communicative competence involves knowing:
- When
- Where
- Contextually appropriate
However, the principles of communicative language teaching are not always easy to put into practice in classes...
English language learners can use mobile phone technology to access relevant vocabulary...
... improve the efficiency of language learning, and more!
They can be used in activities like:
- Note-taking & memory
- Photographing & recording
- Text messaging
- Social networking
- E-portfolio
Ss hunt specific language forms and download material, discussed later in class.
Photographing & Recording
Ss develop language skills
- By peer correction,
- Script writing,
- and video producing.
Ss text each other to finish a story. Improving their communicative competence
Students interact writing and speaking so is easier to use their English instead of their native language.
Teacher can use these tools to keep in touch with students and organize activities online.
Students document their learning process with note-taking and voice memo features and set up the formal e-portfolio
Potential problems and solutions
Cost problem
- We cannot guarantee all the students in all classes will have access to mobile phone technology.
- Activities such as texting, going online, making calls cost money.
Possible solutions
- Students can also share a mobile phonein one team.
- Using Wifi, the cost problem will be alleviated
Mobile phones also have efficiency disadvantages
- Smaller memory size
- Lower speed
- Limited functions
- Less-controllability
- They can be disruptive
They may also increase the teacher's work load! So teachers need to set boundaries for their students.
This is why mobile phones are only an assisting teaching resource in EFL classrooms
Some students may be reluctant to share personal information
Others, even use mobile phones to violate other's privacy
So is imperative to establish concrete rules and monitor when using mobile technology in class
- Mobile Phone Technology Engagement in EFL Classroom
- Zhang, Lili
- Pages 171-174