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Causes and Trigger of WW1

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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Causes and Trigger of WW1

by: $ammy 


  • European countries competed for land and influence across Asia and Africa
  • Countries competed for resources, trade rights and cultural influence
  • the competition caused tention
Photo by boodoo


  • to protect their areas of influence many nations began building large and powerful military's causing nervousness in other countries


  • as tensions grew countries made alliances with one another
  • they promised to protect one another in case of war


  • this idea that ones country was greater then the rest fueled tension
  • nationalism was especially strong countries that wanted to become independent

Franz Ferdinand

  • June 28 1914 Franz Ferdinand and his wife are assassinated by a Serbian nationalist
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, Russia
Photo by Jared Enos