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Dred Scott case

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Dred Scott Case


Dred scott Case

Chyna cox, Michael Girgis, tiesha Jones


  • U.S. Supreme Court
  • Dred Scott (former slave- North) v. John Sanford(South)
  • Chief Justice Roger B. Taney (slave supporter)
  • Peter Blow family (helped Scott sue Emerson’s wife)
  • John Emerson (owner of Dred and his wife)
Photo by gavinr


  • Controversial case prior to the Civil War.
  • The decision where slaves should be freed or enslaved.
  • The court believed that slaves were not American Citizens.
Photo by stepnout


  • St. Louis Circuit Court
Photo by Teemu008


  • Perspective:Believed Scott should be freed due to the Missouri Compromise
  • Reaction: Frustrated. Felt that Supreme Court was unfair
  • Effects: Abolitionists became more proactive in trying to end slavery
Photo by shirokazan


  • Perspective: Favored the Supreme Courts descision
  • Reaction: Felt that slaves could not be taken away from owners 
  • Effects: Supreme court decided in the Souths favor
Photo by Leo Reynolds


  • Final decision was made on March 6, 1857 
Photo by fly again


  • First instance where Supreme Court overruled Federal law
  • They believed the Congress did not have power to prohbit slavery.
  • Was on of the reasons that the civil war started.


  • The north was outraged by the courts descision
  • South was pleased
  • Tensions increased and lead to the Civil war
Photo by compujeramey