Map of Support
Ready for Business
Getting engaged with RfB
We offer introductory briefings to Exec and Non Exec Leadership, Workshops for service heads as well as commissioning and procurement staff, and high profile Local Engagement Events to carve out a shared agenda with Third Sector Partners.
Deepening engagement
Our Partners for Change programme provides an intensive series of facilitated workshops for senior public officials to help cultivate stronger relationships with the Third Sector, explore ways to achieve better outcomes, and implement an agreed plan that will deliver better results.
The right set of tools
Access to information and assistance relating to a variety of cutting edge approaches such as Public Social Partnership projects, Community Benefits in Procurement Clauses, Reserved Contracts, and Social Value Measurement tools. We also provide access to our Register of Third Sector providers willing and able to deliver public contracts. Additional information and resources are also available on our Library page.
Additional training and advisory support
We are flexible. We can offer additional training workshops and events as well as hands-on support to help your public authority purchase more sustainably and get more from its relationship with the Third Sector. This support is usually organised around an agreed plan of action.