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Library Orientation

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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to the Creech Library
Photo by N.Calzas

We can't wait to help you.
with books, apps, computers or research.

If you would like to check out a book, just follow these simple steps.

First, pick up a shelf marker, and use it to mark the spot on the shelf where you take out a book.

You may check out two books. We even have ebooks for you to enjoy.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Once you have 2 books, pick up your library card and wait in line to check out.

Photo by hcplebranch

After you have checked out your books, please read quietly.

Photo by Kikishua

Library Rules
Always bring back your books in 2 weeks, so you will be able to check out more books.

Photo by somegeekintn

Put your books in a special place, so you know where they are.

Photo by Emm Enn

Wash your hands before you read a book. Don't drink or eat while reading.

Use a bookmark to mark your place in a book. Don't use paperclips, pencils, or anything else that would damage the book.

Photo by vanhookc

Never write in a book or highlight anything.

Photo by srgpicker

Turn the pages carefully. Always turn the pages from the top or side.

Photo by - luz -

Keep your books away from pets or babies who may damage your books.

Photo by lavishlylush

Please come back when you are ready for more books.

Photo by KOMUnews