Does the big wand blow better bubbles than the small wand?
The longer wand blew better bubbles because they stayed in the air longer , the smaller wand didn't work very well because the bubbles kept popping when we blew them.
Bubbles come from soap and water,bubbles get their color from light waves.
To make bigger bubbles you have to use a longer wand.
A bubble is made up of air wrapped in soap film, Soap film is made from soap and water (or other liquids) If you want to make a larger bubble you need a longer wand.
Data:Our big bubble stayed 2 feet in the air, but our smaller bubbles lasted only 1 second because they kept popping.
Results: the bigger bubbles lasted longer than the smaller bubbles. When we tried to blow the bubble they kept popping, and the bigger bubbles stayed in the air.