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In Deborah Tannen's book, "You're Wearing That?: Understanding Mothers and Daughters in Conversation", it is expressed that the a mothers' love for her children "can be overwhelming, matched only by the hurt they feel when their attempts to or just stay connected are [altered] as criticism or devilish interference." (10) Tannen states that motherly love is challenging and overwhelming when children do not want to build a desired relationship with them. This can cause pain and sadness towards the mother. Tannen interviewed an elderly woman and the woman expressed that when her child started to get older, "things start to hurt, and on top of that, there are all these complications with [her] daughter. It's a big disappointment." (10) As children get older, the normal conversations between them and their mother start to change. They start to go through changes in their life, and mothers always want to know what is going on. Children may not want to share what is happening because they do not know what is going on either. Hiding secrets from mothers damages the mother's emotional state, and they feel like the trust that was once there is gone.