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Public Victory

Published on Nov 15, 2016

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Public Victory

 By emily 

How Does Thinking Win-Win Create A Mutual Benefit For Everyone?

Life Attitude

  • Win-Win This is when everyone wins
  • Loose-Loose Situation were everyone looses
  • Win-loose some win some don't
  • Loose-win

The Tumor Twins

  • One of the twins compares itself to other people
  • The other one fight for what it want
Photo by -Reji

Thinking Win-Win

Marie Curie and her husband used win-win by working together on discovering Radioactivity . They worked together all the way and experimented their different ideas to come up with what Radioactivity was.

This story is a win-win story because everyone wins.

How Does Seeking First To Understand Help Us To Build Better Relationships?

Poor Listening Styles

  • Spacing out:this is when your not listening at all
  • Pretend to listen:this is when you say yea huh , cool , you pretend to listen but you actually are not
  • Selective listening , when you only pay attention to the parts of the conversation that interest you
  • word listening is when you listen to the person but not their body language
  • Self centered listening happens when you see everything from your own point of view

Genuine Listening

  • This is when you actually listen to the person
  • To do this you first need to listen with your eyes ears and heart , its like putting yourself into the situation the other person is talking about
  • Next make sure you stand in their shoes meaning get in their place of the situation , see how they feel
  • Then practice mirroring , its like saying what they are saying but in your own words so they know that your understanding

Seeking to Understand

Wilma Mankiller tryed helping out women on their rights but they never listened to her because she was a female, but after she worked on couple of places and stood up for herself , people started seeking to understand her , female became to have more rights from themselfs

How Does Synergizing Help Us To Meet The Public Victory?

Diversity Profiles

  • Shunner's profile People who dont like other people that are different
  • tolerator's profile people who are ok with differences but still does their own thing
  • celebrator's profile is the person who takes the different ideas from everyone and make A bigger idea
  • celebrator because on that one you can take everyone's different ideas and succeed better

Roadblocks To Difference

  • Ignorance means your clueless
  • Cliques a group of people that are so close that would not let anyone else enter their group
  • Prejudice when your not treated the same way as others
  • they stop us from synergizing because they get in the way
  • They stop us from synergizing because if we could all just work together we could achieve more

Synergy in Action

Marie Curie used synergy with her husband when they worked together to learn more about radioactivity

They are a great example of synergy because Marie Curie didn't just give credits to herself because if they both worked together so they both got credit and they didn't fight to get all the credit for one of 'em

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