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Published on Jun 02, 2020

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Trujillo, M. L. (2019). Start With the Heart: Igniting Hope in Schools Through Social and Emotional Learning. Corwin Press.
All images are provided by Haiku Deck.
Photo by Tim Marshall

Competencies of Sel

Pt. 1: Social and emotional learning
SEL is defined and discussed throughout the book.
SEL: Social and Emotional Learning.
- Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness
Photo by Larm Rmah

Chapters 1-4

  • CH. 1: It's about the PEOPLE
  • CH. 2: Teach on a foundation of LOVE
  • CH. 3: Self - Awareness
  • CH. 4: Self - Management
Ch. 1: Our diversity makes us stronger! It is our job to instill EQUALITY, recognize our differences to create AWARENESS.

Ch. 2: Love yourself first so you have the strength to love others. Show students authentic love, listen to them, and share joy.

Ch. 3: Encourage students to become more aware of their emotions. This helps them manage them better.

Ch. 4: Encourage CRITICAL THINKING so students can think on how to react in heightened emotional situations.
Photo by Yannis H

Self- Awareness:
"One’s ability to assess their strengths and limitations, with a well-grounded sense of optimism, and a “growth mindset,”
(Trujillo, 2019, pg. 31).

Student Activity to Promote Self-Awareness:

Create an Emotional Rating Scale. Students can self reflect and indicate how they are feeling with emotions ranging from sad, angry, stressed, calm, to happy.

Create Competitions in the classroom. For example, a reading competition can help students recognize if they have strengths in reading, if they didn't win they can be motivated to improve and obtain a "growth mindset".

Tip for Teacher: Self-Management
- Always communicate with respect & kindness
- Take a deep breath before responding if stressed/frustrated
- Redirect NEGATIVE conversations

Final 1/2 of book

  • CH. 5: Social Awareness
  • CH. 6: Relationship Skills
  • CH: 7: Responsible Decision Making
Photo by Park Troopers

Ch.5 Social awareness

  • Perspective Taking: Understanding from another's point of view
  • Incorporate "Group Sharing" - Students can share their POV to educate others
Social Awareness:
Taking perspective and empathizing with others who may come from differing backgrounds or cultures (Trujillo, 2019, pg. 66)

Define respect

  • Incorporate expectations for respect as a class
  • Use scenarios/role play to teach respect
  • Brainstorm respectful behavior
Photo by Renee Fisher

Cultural humility

  • Recognize that we don't know everything about another's culture
  • Acknowledge implicit biases
  • Seek to understand others with EMPATHY
Implicit Biases:

Trujillo (2019) states that:
"Most educators & school system leaders have good intentions and are committed to equity.

But good intentions do NOT obviate the need to understand historical context and the role of RACE, RACISM, WHITE PRIVILEGE, and IMPLICIT BIAS in holding students back" (pg. 71).

Ch. 6 Relationship Skills

  • Steps to Building Trust:
  • 1. Listen
  • 2. Validate
  • 3. Problem Solve
  • 4. Positive Regard
  • = Creates HOPE
(Trujillo, 2019, pg. 90)

Nonverbal communication

  • Teachers: respond appropriately with your bodies / facial expressions
  • Have students play Emotional Charades to create NV Communication awareness
Photo by Andre Guerra


  • Be an attentive listener
  • Listen to understand, not to respond
  • When students feel heard, they feel valued

Ch. 7: Responsible decision making

  • The power of CHOICE
  • The process of DECISION MAKING
  • The value of ACCOUNTABILITY
- Choice vs. a mistake
- Students need to take ownership of their decisions
- Recognize how choice can impact themselves and others
Photo by Jens Lelie


  • D- Define the problem
  • E- Explore the alternatives
  • C- Consider the consequences
  • I- Identify your values
  • D- Decide & Act
  • E- Evaluate the results
(Trujillo, 2019, pg. 113)
Photo by David Tran

Accountability Process

  • OWN IT
  • Seek SINCERE forgiveness
  • Make it right!
(Trujillo, 2019, pg. 116)
NOTE: Help students implement these steps when they make a poor decision.
Photo by Lina Trochez

"Ultimately, having the ability to view situations from another's perspective, respecting oneself and others, approaching people with cultural humility, practicing empathy, and serving others are all ways in which to appreciate diversity and gain social awareness" (Trujillo, 2019, pg. 81).

"Learn and TELL"

  • From my understanding, this quote is indicating that as teachers, we need to be encouraging our students to understand one another and celebrate diversity. We can incorporate this by implementing a "Learn and Tell" instead of a "Show and Tell". We can help students learn about one another and where they come from by having a few students each week talk about their culture and their family values. Before doing this activity, respect needs to be defined and understood as a class. Encourage your students to seek understanding by asking each other questions after each student finishes sharing!

"But empathy is associated with an authentic quest for understanding what it might be like for a person as he or she experiences challenges or hardship" (Trujillo, 2019, pg. 73).

This quote is indicating that as educators, we need to encourage our students to understand one anothers point of view. This empathy will create social awareness and create an environment of support and trust. We can help students understand emotions by labeling it. For example, if a child is crying say, "You seem upset. How can I help". We can also teach by implementing "Cause and Effect" conversations. An example to present to the class could be, "Tod was upset because Max took his toy without asking. What might help Tod feel better?".

Photo by Annie Spratt