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Little Rock 9

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May, 1954
Brown v. Board of education. This court case declared that segregation was unconstitutional.

August, 1954
NAACP petitioned Little Rock School Board for immediate integration of the schools. The board did not agree and fought against it.

The school board finally decided to slowly start to integrate schools. This lasted over a time period of a few months.

27 black students tried to enroll in white schools. The school board rejected them and did not let them mix schools.

August, 1957
Georgia governor holds state-wide meeting opposing desegregation. He did not want schools to become integrated and was completely against the little rock nine

September, 1957
Governor ordered Arkansas national guard to prevent 9 African Americans from entering Little Rock Central High. The guards and angry protesters stood in the way of them going to school

September 5th, 1957
After the protesters and armed guards prevented them from going to school for 2 days, none of the little rock 9 showed up and the school board halted the desegregation for a while.

September 23rd, 1957
9 students entered school for the first time facing over 1000 protesters. Kids in the school had mixed opinions on having a desegregated school.

September 25th 1957
The President assigned U.S. Army soldiers to escort the students to and during school to protect them. This helped but after the soldiers went back to their normal duties violence and threats towards the students began again.

January, 1958
The Little Rock 9 were constantly bullied in school and one day Minnijean Brown snapped and called a whit student "white trash," she was expelled