Aphrodite is a Greek goddess and is the goddess of love.
She is manly associated with the rose and dove as symbols of love.
The Greek goddess of love is related to the beasts called titans.
Her characteristics are manly being god like and very beautiful.
Thor is a Norse god and he represents lightning and thunder.
Thor is also known as the god of lightning.
He is the son of Odin and Fyorgyn.
Thor has always been known for his famous hammer Mjollnir.
Thor has always been known for his famous hammer Mjollnir.
Thor is very muscular and large in size has red facial hair and eyes.
Websites sited
- Ancient History encyclopedia
- Title of article is "Thor'' by Cristian Violatti
Anubis is the Egyptian god of death.
Anubis is the son of Nephthys and Osiris. Anubis is the father of Qebhet.
Anubis is pictured as being a man with the head of a dog or jackal carrying a staff.
He would also guide the dead souls to the afterlife.
Websites sites
- Ancient history encyclopedia