Keep on speaking – normal word for speaking to someone, no special emphasis training or position, just talking to others about the grace of God at work in their lives – testimonies of grateful people who have been impacted by God
Keep on encouraging – parakalew – find people to come alongside and make it as a lifestyle to be strengthening others……
Keep on rebuking – does not mean to yell at someone, but rather to use the Scriptures to bring to light things in their lives that are destructive and need attention –
(Illus. Road through the desert – get off the truck, and I say I think I will stretch my legs and go for a short walk……One guy says I don’t think you should do that Chaplain……why not I asked……..and one of the other soldiers shines his light on a sing that says…….minefield….Ahh I think I will stay right here…..)
Keep on leading – idea of people intimidating you by thinking around you…..discounting what you think to the point they ignore you……..looking down on you for what they believe is intellectual inferiority…….
So – keep on…..make it a habit, lifestyle, matter of daily activity…….