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Infection control

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Infection Crotrol

Potential Hazards and how care for them.


  • Personal Protection Equipment
  • Includes gloves, masks, and gouns.
  • Used when coming into contact with body fluids.
Photo by ex_magician

Safe Pratices

  • Remove needle cap away from you.
  • Approach each animal in a clam manner.
  • Properly clean, and sanatize the exam and office areas.
  • Dispose of needle in sharps container.
Photo by medisave

Possible Hazards

  • Hurt/scared animal. Use caution, and approach with a calm demenor.
  • Broken glass. Sweep up with a broom and dustpan
Photo by montuschi

Possible Hazards

  • Reptiles. Treat reptiles, espically snakes, like a loaded gun.
  • Stagnent water. Could be a breeding ground for bacteria and parasites, also a tripping hazard.
Photo by Nick Fedele

Potential Hazards

  • Sick Animals. Always wash hands after contact, and don't touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.