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Chapter 5

Published on Feb 23, 2016

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Chapter 5

Population Growth, Migration, and Ubanization

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  • Malthus believed that if poverty exists, it must be because of overpopulation, which is the fault of people who lack moral standards and refuse to change their reproductive behavior. Is this true?
Photo by szeke

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  • In fact, Mathus said that poor people should be forced to delay marriage. Why did he say this?
Photo by DonkeyHotey

Why, in the 1950's and 1960's, did population growth in the periphery begin to concern Western governments?

Photo by A.M. Kuchling

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  • It costs money to try and help them
Photo by stevendepolo

French Canadians have been able to maintain low fertility levels when conditions require it, or to increase it.
Explain how this happens.

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  • High birth rates from early marriages. Women married at ages 15-16.
  • Widows had no trouble remarrying and having more children (unlike women in France)
  • Lower mortality rate and high life expectancy (5 years greater than France)
  • Thus, lower population keeps down the spread of disease

Why were Irish women marrying earlier?

Photo by moonjazz

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  • The farm land was owned by British landlords who extracted rent from the tenants.
  • Landlords who increased the number of farms made more profit.
  • So, landlords subdivided the farms into smaller and smaller plots
  • Irish women married earlier because they had access to farm land.

Families were able to subsist on smaller plots of land because of the ________. It was the staple crop of the Irish farmer.

Average consumption was ___lbs. a day.

Photo by Pachango

Then what happened in 1845?

Photo by Buzz Hoffman

A potato fungus struck, destroying the harvest of 1846 entirely. This resulted in almost 1.5 million deaths........

Photo by Franco Folini

and, an exodus from Ireland of 200,000 people per year....

Photo by kitseeborg

the population in Ireland decreased from 8.2 million to
4.5 million.

Why does the demand for children in developing countries remain high?

1. The cost of raising children in rural areas is low

2. For security in old age. 80-90% of parents in developing countries expect economic assistance from their children

3. Children are seen as an affirmation of family values & a guarantee of family continuity.

Photo by aftab.

So...some societies resist attempts to limit fertility because of the economic benefits of children.
What are some of these benefits?

Photo by Wendkuni

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  • money and wages
  • economic security
  • labor assistance
  • prestige
  • expansion of social and political networks

Explain the emotional ties of the nuclear family.

The main emotional tie in nuclear families is between husband and wife & their main obligation is to their children.

Photo by cali.org

How do the emotional ties differ in an extended family?

In the extended family a man may have closer ties to his brother than to his wife, or a women may have closer ties to a brother or sister than to her husband.

When women have the power to make decisions about sexual activity and its consequences, they avoid many of the 80 million unwanted pregnancies each year, 20 million unsafe abortions & some 500,000 maternal deaths.

In 1950's Barbados, women believed that abstention from sex was unhealthy and that a woman who failed to bear all the children she was capable of would suffer from high blood pressure and other diseases.

Photo by malweth

As a result of weak congugal bonds, weak bonds between fathers and children, and an absence of stable nuclear units......fertility rate were high.

Photo by ~ Lone Wadi ~

As women gained more power in their relationships, they had fewer children.

Photo by anonymonk

United States in 2005
Immigrants 38,355,000
Illegal " " 12-20 million
World percentage 20.56
% national pop. 12.81

JAPAN 2005 Immigrants 2,048,000 Illegal 0%
World Percentage 1.09
% national pop. 1.5

What was the Asian Exclusion Act of 1882?

It prohibited the immigration of Chinese citizens. This was a reaction to protests, largely in California, claiming that Chinese workers were taking jobs of U.S. workers.

Photo by Loco Steve

What was the Literacy Act of 1917?

Photo by SimonWhitaker

It established a literacy test for prospective immigrants, imposed a "head" tax, and excluded categories of people including "idiots," alcoholics, and anarchists.

Today, the wages in wealthy countries of the world are 5x that of third world countries.

Photo by Kullez

For example, a nurse in the Philippines earns about $260 a month. It is no surprise that in 2004, more that 50,000 Filipino-trained nurses were working in the U.S.

Photo by wili_hybrid

At that same time, the Philippines were experiencing a huge shortage of nurses.

Photo by timefornurses