Venus is most easier to see than mercury, it reflects more of the suns light because venus is so close to earth. Why venus is reflects a lot of light is because venus is covered in clouds. Venus if referred to as the 'morning star' or 'evening star'.
Venus has high mountains that appear to be volcanic. The highest mountain is Maxwell Montes, that goes up 11km, (2km more than Mount Everest above sea level on planet earth).
Venus has Rift Valleys as large as the largest on to earth ( East African rift). The East African rift was caused by tectonic plates shifting. The ones on venus, seemed to be caused by tectonic plates moving, but venus looks to still be on one plate.
Studies can prove there has been volcanic eruptions on venus. They've concluded this from changing chemical composition on the atmosphere along with lightning where volcanoes are active. Though they don't know for sure if there are active volcanoes on venus, they have spots that appear to have new lava flow.
Venus looks to have smooth surfaces, but not like we thought. Canyons, lava flow, volcanoes, plains, craters, mountains and rift valleys are found on venus. Which is why its alike to earth. Venus is behind on earths geological time scale, by tectonic plates not having the same features as earth.
Venus has an atmosphere made up of, thick clouds made by carbon dioxide with small amounts of nitrogen and there's also sulfuric acid clouds. The amount of nitrogen is four times the amount found on earth. Nitrogen makes up almost more than three fourths of the atmosphere. The composition of the atmosphere causes a green house effect, that heats venus hotter than mercury's surface.