5-Step Problem Solving Guide

This is a guide to the Clinical Reasoning Course, providing an overview of the course structure for working on cases online and in small groups. Addresses Nervous System cases (also applies to all 1-session cases in the NEW CRC). Guide Prepared for the Clinical Reasoning Course Directors by Karen Spear Ellinwood, PhD, JD, Director, Faculty Instructional Development, Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson. Course Directors: Paul St. John, PhD, and Alice Min, MD


5-Step Structured Approach

Clinical Problem Solving

Step 1

Frame the Problem
Photo by JD Hancock

What do we need to explain?

Photo by JD Hancock

Identify pertinent facts

Photo by JD Hancock

Articulate questions for investigation

Photo by JD Hancock

Example: Are these symptoms all due to one cause? Are these related? Does one condition cause the other? What stands out?

Photo by JD Hancock

Step 2

Formulate Hypotheses with Rationales

Describe two or more hypotheses

that might be causing the patient's symptoms

Articulate why

these are possible or plausible

Relate these to

 scientific concepts and/or clinical facts

Step 3

Develop Strategies for Assessment
Photo by jurvetson

What do I need to know?

Photo by jurvetson

How could I find out?

Photo by jurvetson

Why do I want this particular test?

Photo by jurvetson

How will results help me to

differentiate from among possible causes?
Photo by jurvetson

Are there social or economic factors

that I should consider?
Photo by jurvetson

the patient's culture & language?

How can I adapt my approach to respect
Photo by jurvetson

Physical Exam Findings

Released AFTER Student Submits Ideas for How to Proceed (Step 3)

Step 4

Narrow Diagnoses with Rationales
Photo by *Tom*

Prioritize hypotheses

based upon facts, clinical facts & scientific concepts
Photo by *Tom*

Determine which hypotheses

explain adequately the patient's symptoms
Photo by *Tom*

Prepare to bring

an open mind to the session

Step 5

Post-case Reflection
Photo by Bert Kaufmann

Reflect on the Case

What you learned
Photo by Bert Kaufmann

Reflect on Process

How you or your group approached the case
Photo by Bert Kaufmann

Reflect on Progress

Recognize and describe progress and challenges
Photo by Bert Kaufmann

Reflect on How to Improve

Strategies for future individual and collaborative problem-solving
Photo by Bert Kaufmann

University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson

Prepared by KC Spear Ellinwood, PhD, JD, FID Director
Photo by Al_HikesAZ

Course Directors

Paul St. John, PhD, and Alice Min, MD