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Inference riddle

Published on Nov 28, 2015

Albertson Braden 6, Inference riddle


Inference riddle

Braden A.
Photo by xCookie1320x

Clue 1

  • I am very soft and comfortable to rest on
Photo by Lexinatrix

clue 2

  • I am shaped in a unique way 
Photo by BenJam.

clue 3

  • You may enjoy me at nighttime 

Clue 4

  • I am so soft you can barely feel me 
Photo by jenny downing

clue 5

  • I fall off a bird sometimes
Photo by @Doug88888

clue 6

  • I am found on the ground sometimes
Photo by Goodshoot

clue 7

  • Part of me is soft and the other is hard
Photo by danmachold

clue 8

  • I fall slowly when dropped
Photo by jenny downing

clue 9

  • I am weightless 
Photo by blmiers2

Clue 10

  • Birds have a lot of me on them

Untitled Slide

Photo by Cliff_Baise

I am a feather

Photo by audreyjm529