I got the uniform. Now all I need is the experience.
My excitement just keeps growing.
This view isn't even at Deer Valley yet.
The wooden stage where I later learned about our sight at night.
My first number one amazing view of Deer Valley.
The wooden stage is dedicated to this very important man.
I have no idea what type of cool plant this is.
I started to realize why my hand started to stink.
It's not grass and not leaves from a tree. It's a plant.
It's funny how something so tiny can capture my eye.
It's called fungus, but I like to call it Fungus Amongus.
The tree is watching me. This tree is a cyclops.
I know this is not a banana tree, but my mouth wants to say different.
These flowers would be perfect for a wedding.
The plant is either male or female.
This is a view that I spotted on the tour.
I am a proud American Bittern.
My magic spot is a priceless view.
This little tree is my organism.
The cabin is cozy and amazing.
My mom and I had a short time together, but it was worth it.
We made it to the top of DV Rocks.
I am so glad that I chose this activity for discovery time.
The view at DV Rocks is like nothing I have ever seen.
We got to see the rare trillium.
I made it up Mount Davis. It was not easy.
I lost my Secret Travelers pin, but I did get it.