The Pathway

Published on Dec 27, 2017

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The Pathway

Paved with Proverbs
Photo by yann bervas

Proverbs 4:10-27

7 Principles for Making Plans

26 Mark out a straight path for your feet; 
stay on the safe path. 
27 Don’t get sidetracked; 
keep your feet from following evil. 

My child, listen to me and do as I say, and you will have a long, good life. I will teach you wisdom’s ways and lead you in straight paths. When you walk, you won’t be held back; when you run, you won’t stumble.

Take hold of my instructions; don’t let them go. Guard them, for they are the key to life. Don’t do as the wicked do, and don’t follow the path of evildoers. Don’t even think about it; don’t go that way. Turn away and keep moving.

For evil people can’t sleep until they’ve done their evil deed for the day. They can’t rest until they’ve caused someone to stumble. They eat the food of wickedness and drink the wine of violence!

The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day. But the way of the wicked is like total darkness. They have no idea what they are stumbling over.

My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.

Guard your heart above all else,
for it determines the course of your life. Avoid all perverse talk;
stay away from corrupt speech. Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you.

Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked;
keep your feet from following evil.


  • How life is…..generally speaking
  • Proverbs is “the philosophy of practical life, a sign to us that God values common sense and discretion about a wide range of life’s issues.”


  • A comparison of contrasting sides of what is good and what is not so good
  • A Godly guide for daily life

Plan with your Heart

Give it all you've Got
Plan – the series of steps that lead to the accomplishment of a goal

2:8 – a plan of action, specific behavioral strategy

12:5 – the things one is thinking about

The heart – the internal workings of our lives, thoughts, motivations, inner selves, our spirit, attitudes

59 times the NLT translates the word heart in Proverbs – important part

4:4 – What the heart values is to be put into actual activity in our calendar – take the wisdom of God store it in your heart and put it to work in your daily activity

– if your heart is not in your plans then whose plans are they?


Which Direction?
Plans is plural – we have options

We got options....

Well worn, popular path.....

2:9, 15 – a path that has obviously been used before, tire tracks,

Lifestyle choices that avoid life's potholes....

3:6, 23, 26 – which manner of life to choose that will be safest and the least negative surprises

Direction that is informed by God's will and His Word

4:18, 26 - 18 The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, 
which shines ever brighter until the full light of day. 

OR.....take your best shot in the dark......

19 But the way of the wicked is like total darkness. 
They have no idea what they are stumbling over. 

Paths – so choosing a path is about deciding which direction to go, turn to make, option to choose

With integrity – 10:9, 29 –

without blame
free of guilt

honesty 11:3

Blamelessness – 2:7 – live upright lives in line with Gods standards, 20; 16:7 28:6, 18

Righteousness – 2:20, 4:18 8:20,21:21

Carefulness – 14:15, weigh carefully

and not in haste 19:2

Use a process that helps you think things through...

Photo by J_CMac

Support Godliness

Plans that encourage godliness
Disciplined – 9:15, 10:17

Godly – 61 times in Proverbs, Prov. 10:24, 28, 11:19, 12:5

Way(s) – emphasis on behavior rather than the actual making of a choice

4:11 how wisdom looks in action,

6:23 – commands of the Lord are a lamp, light to shine the proper behavior to choose in a given situation,

23:26 – a model to follow, an example to copy

Who do you follow?

What framework for living do you rely on the most?

What books do you read?

What seminars, webinars do you make time for?
Photo by armadano

Seek The Lord

there are lots of sources to pick from
His guidance 3:5-6,

6:22 – found in Godly commands and instruction, providing counsel, protection and advice for the whole day – implication

His advice 20:18

His wisdom 48 times in Proverbs 1:20 voice so loud you have to work at ignoring it, the application of Godly instruction to daily life

13:20 – want more advice hang around wise people

Choose someone to spend time with this year.....
Photo by Joshua Earle

Stay Focused

Be intentional about your direction

4:26 Mark out a straight path for your feet;  stay on the safe path. 

27 Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil. 

Lots of voices calling out like wisdom 1:20, 8:1, or folly 9:15

Easily led astray – sort of stumble along because you are under the influence of something or you are not paying attention

10:17 – ignore instruction and you will be misled, happens when you turn your back on the Lord’s instruction 10:27
Photo by Made By Morro

Practice Avoidance

Say Yes and No
22:5 - 5 Corrupt people walk a thorny, treacherous road;  whoever values life will avoid it. …

avoid refrain from, put distance between, abstain, escape from

Do and Do Not – 4:11-15 not be hampered – held back or stumble walk feebly or in an unsteady manner…

4:26 – that which has shown itself to be true, firm

Way that only seems right – but leads to death...

14:12, 16:25 – warning to be discerning

27:12 – look ahead so you can go around or at least be prepared for danger spots

Saying Yes to one thing is also saying No to another
Photo by rgmcfadden

Rest in God's Control

Submit the plan to God and keep moving – 21:5

Proverbs 3:5 – He promises to direct your paths, remove obstacles, make the way clear

God determines – reveals his intentions to us16:9

19:21 – try to change God’s plans all you want, but in the end He will see to His will being accomplished

20:24 – The Lord directs our steps, or are of the Lord, so stop trying to figure it all out…..and follow His lead.

Prov. 20:24. Line first is from Ps. 37:23, but there, where the clause has the verbal predicate כֹּונָנוּ, the meaning is that it is the gracious assistance of God, by virtue of which a man takes certain steps with his feet, while here we have before us a variation of the proverb “der Mensch denkt, Gott lenkt” [= man proposes, God disposes], 16:9, Jer. 10:23; for מִן, as at 2 Sam. 3:37, Ps. 118:23, denotes God in general as conditioning, as the ultimate cause. Man is indeed free to turn himself hither or thither, to decide on this course of conduct or on that, and is therefore responsible for it; but the relations co-operating in all his steps as the possible and defining conditions are God’s contrivance and guidance, and the consequences which are connected with his steps and flow therefrom, lie beyond the power of man,—every one of his steps is a link of a chain, neither the beginning nor the end of which he can see; while, on the other hand, God’s knowledge comprehends the beginning, middle, and end, and the wisdom of God ruling in the sphere of history, makes all human activity, the free action of man, subservient to his world-plan. The question, which has a negative answer, is applicable to man: what, i.e., how shall he understand his way? מה is like, e.g., Ex. 10:26, Job 9:2; 19:28, accus., and fluctuates between the functions of a governed accusative: What does he understand … (Job 11:8) and an adv.: how, i.e., how so little, how even not, for it is the מה of the negative question which has become in (Arab.) mâ a word of negation. The way of a man is his life’s-course. This he understands in the present life only relatively, the true unravelling of it remains for the future.
 Keil, C. F., & Delitzsch, F. (1996). Commentary on the Old Testament (Vol. 6, pp. 303–304). Peabody, MA: Hendrickson.

Photo by Jackman Chiu

7 Principles to Planning

  • Plan with your Heart
  • Choose
  • Support Godliness
  • Seek the Lord
  • Stay Focused
  • Practice Avoidance
  • Rest in God's Control
Photo by Farid Iqbal

Michael Cadrette

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