Who was she?Roberta Bondar was the first women to go to space.She was born on December 4th 1945 at Sault Ste.Marie Ontario.She was an astronaut,physician,educator and photographer.She lived with her mom Mildred Bondar,her dad Edward Bondar and her sister Barbara Bondar.Roberta's sister was a children's writer,her dad was an actor and her mom was a businesses teacher.
Where did she inspire women? Roberta Bondar went to space to inspire women.She went to space aboard the NASA' s space shuttle discovery.She was also the second Canadian and first female Canadian to go to space.
How did Roberta Bondar inspire women? Roberta Bondar inspired women by going to space.Going to space inspires women because mostly men do things like that and not women.Also it proves to people that women are courageous and brave.