So a purpose clause
Here is where the world without Jesus misses the best part of love.........
We would have the Joy of Jesus in us, indwelling us, a part of our inner being
What is joy?
It is the act of rejoicing, to be happy or like throuwing a party
It is the external expression of internal happiness
It is a peace that comes from knowing that no matter what my life is right with God, which leads to the most common reason for joy, and that is because one has salvation in God
This joy is sometimes called everlasting....because those who are God's know already that they are under God’s protection and can rejoice in spite of present suffering:
joy is often associated with righteousness and we reviewed in Sunday school this morning
And this joy, Jesus hopes is experienced in fullness, not just little pieces of it, not just in the religious room in my life......but in every area. That is love's purpose.
It is the fruit of his presence