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Published on Nov 25, 2021

Avoiding Logical Fallacies in Your Writing-2021 Guide

There are several logical fallacies that one can avoid when writing an essay. This college essay writing service can help you greatly in this regard. These include ad hominem, begging the question, appeal to authority, and many others such as post hoc ergo propter hoc. A fallacy is an error in reasoning. In this case it is a line of argumentation that doesn't make sense or has its foundation on a false premise.

These fallacies are used in our daily lives as well. Advertisements use them to sell their products, while politicians use them to put down valid arguments. 

A fallacy can have an effect on your grade if you are using them in a paper.

When writing essays, one of the most common fallacies is the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. This occurs when there is no logical connection between two events because it was assumed that they were cause and consequence. Also sometimes referred to as 'after this therefore because of this'. For example: "Since I took the flu shot I haven't gotten sick." The person assumes that taking the flu shot gave him or her immunity of getting sick with the flu.

Another way to look at this type of argumentation would be: "The sun rose after the rooster crowed, so because of that happening first, then we can conclude that since the sun came up the rooster caused it to rise."

Other examples of a post hoc fallacy would be: "Since I drank Mountain Dew then I ran for three hours without stopping so, because I had that drink, that must be why I was able to accomplish my goals. " These types of statements have no valid basis as there is no logic being used in their argumentation. This error in reasoning can affect your grade on an essay if it is used. This essay writing service makes no such errors.

Types of Fallacies

1) The strawman fallacy is a fallacy of relevance . This occurs when an argument is distorted by misrepresentation, leaving the original position weakened or false.

2) The Genetic Fallacy: This error in reasoning occurs when an idea fails to be true (false) because it's originator was false (lying), or on account of who believed it (or got it started). It happens when someone concludes that a claim must be false, only because they believe its source is unreliable. Or that a person's claims are wrong because his background makes them suspicious.

3) Red Herring: A red herring alludes to dragging across the trail of scent from a real-world animal and leading pursuing dogs away from their target — usually with the goal to force them to give up the trail. This is a fallacy type which uses irrelevant information to distract from the actual issue being discussed or presented in order to camouflage an underlying truth.

4) Appeal to Emotion: This fallacy moves people's emotions rather than their rational minds when presenting evidence or trying to persuade people of something. Ignoring facts, statistics, and objective studies that don't fit with what they're trying to prove or sell; manipulating a person's feelings to get them interested in something they wouldn't be otherwise is a common tactic used in advertising for example: "Millions of Americans suffer from this disease! Help by clicking here!"

5) Appeal To Pity: The goal of this argumentation technique is evoke pity in others as means of supporting a claim. This is often used in situations that can be seen as vulnerable or desperate, such as when trying to get money from others for some cause you need the funds for. E.g.: "Please help me support my children; I fell on hard times and I am going through a divorce."

6) Appeal To Force: Usually paired with emotional manipulation this fallacy attempts to manipulate others by using threats of violence, intimidation, actual harm done to their character or reputation (slandering them), and/or physical force – either veiled or open. The goal here is to have people agree with them because they fear something bad happening if they didn't comply. E.g.: "You better do what I tell you or you're going to get a spanking." One of the best essay writing service can help you if you want their help in avoiding fallacies.

7) Appeal To Ridicule/Ad Hominem: This fallacy is character assassination, plain and simple. It occurs when someone attempts to counter an argument by attacking the person's character or personal traits - even if irrelevant - instead of firming up their own claims with evidence and logical reasoning. The goal here is usually to have people discredit the opposing party as much as possible so that they will believe what is being said over anything they might say in response. E.g.: "That author can't be trusted; he has no degrees on this subject!"

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