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Copy of Pill Bugs And Sow Bugs

This haiku deck is all about pill bugs and sow bugs adaptations of each where they both live and two facts about each enjoy!! P.S. Good for school use this was a project for school A.k.A I'm in fifth grade for science



  • Pill bugs are crustaceans,not insects.
  • Pill bugs breathe through gills.
  • Pill bugs are often found in damp places like compost or under damp logs.
  • The armor plates on the pill bug are hard to keep moist so the pill bug used its environment to stay moist.
Photo by PKMousie


  • Sow bugs cannot roll up when they are disturbed like pill bugs can.
  • Sow bugs bodies have many segments.
  • Sow bugs live in damp places like compost or under damp logs like pill bugs.
  • Sow bugs unlike pill bugs can roll into a ball so sow bugs play dead or run away if disturbed.


  • Sow Bugs an Pill Bugs are fantastic examples of environmental adaptation. They're crustaceans that live on land yet-breathe through gills!Porcellio(Sow Bugs)will play dead or run away when disturbed Armadillidium (Pill Bugs) roll up into protective balls when nudged.
Photo by niyse