Personal branding with a purpose

Published on Feb 04, 2016

How to build a personal brand (and why you need one).


Personal branding

with a purpose

What's In it for You?

  • What is personal branding and why it's important
  • How to leverage your personal brand to create new career and business opportunities
  • Gain clarity about passions, values and career goals
  • Assess and strategically build your online presence
Photo by kennymatic

What is Personal Brand?

Your personal brand is the image of yourself that others see. It's how you present yourself and also how people see you. From the clothes you wear to your social media presence.

It's showing potential employers, clients and the world at large who you are and what you stand for.

what people say about you

when you're not in the room...
Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, said, "Your brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room."
Photo by Dano

Leadership Requirement

Don't think of personal branding like a self-promotional campaign. Instead, it's a leadership requirement. It represents the value you are able to deliver. Become CEO of company you.
Photo by pedrosimoes7

Quality over quanity

It's not just about how well you use social media. Broadcasting hundreds of links a day is not going to show people anything about you – just what you're interested in.

Instead show WHO you are, WHAT you do and WHY you do it. Requires a lot of SELF – self-awareness, self-action, self-accountability.
Photo by MrClean1982

First Impressions

In an increasingly digital age, whether you know a person or not, you probably start making assumptions about him or her long before you actually meet in person. Their impression is usually solidified after you exchange names and handshakes.

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What are your first impressions of this woman?



62, media mogul/"Queen of All Media," billionaire, talk show host, philanthropist

- net worth of 3 billion dollars
- has more credibility than the president
- her website receives 70 million page views per month
- "The Oprah Effect"


Oprah, along with Madonna, The Queen or Robert De Niro, have indomitable personal brands. They also have a team of publicists and brand managers looking after them and helping them create their extraordinary brands.

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What are your first impressions of this man?


Casey Neistat
34, Film director, producer, vlogger, creative, driven, fearlessness, storyteller

- creates popular YouTube videos (2.1 million subscribers)
- co-founded social media company Beme
- created HBO series "The Neistat Brothers"
- created "Make It Count" for Nike, first 5 days 3 million views
- created "Snowboarding with the NYPD," 6.5 million views


Would you know any of that by just looking at him?

Neistat said, "People are leveraging technology to create a better world. It sounds trite, but communication technologies provide us all with a way of sharing, making it harder to hide the aspects of life that need fixing and easier to share the aspects of life that need promoting.”

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What is your first impression of this woman?


Marie Forleo
40, life coach, motivational speaker, best-selling author, web TV host, down-to-earth, simple, realistic

- from trading assistant on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange to choreographing hip-hop on MTV, she has built a multi-million dollar empire
- online business school for modern entrepreneurs
- invited to mentoring for young entrepreneurs by Sir Richard Branson to South Africa
- experienced "The Oprah Effect" on her show


Both Neistat and Forleo have something in common. Their success stems from thinking differently, being different and confidence.

Why Should You Care?

“Well they can take me or leave me, I don’t care” doesn’t pay the bills.

When you need something from someone else, how they perceive you and your brand plays a big part in their response. Want to find out how loyal people are to you? Ask for advice, ask for donation, invite someone to attend an event.
Photo by 13desetembro

Non-Linear Career Path

Career paths are no long linear. You need to own your success and image. Your employer isn't responsible for this. Your brand is something that stays with you forever.

Photo by Ben Husmann

Are You Google-able?

Believe it or not, you already have a personal brand.

In the world of Google, there is so much information at your fingertips – both good and bad.
Photo by mjmonty

80% of people research others online before meeting them for the first time. It jumps to 95% when talking about employers researching candidates.

According to Google, 80% of people research others online before meeting them for the first time. That number jumps to 95% when talking about employers researching candidates.
Photo by Junnn

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Have you ever searched for your name on the internet? Google yourself right now.

- How many of the search results were you?
- How many were social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter?
- How many would you be happy for your grandmother to explore?


Here's an example of what comes up when I search my name "Colleen Hofmann." There are exactly two pictures and one link that aren't me. I created a personal website, which I haven't updated in some time. (My own personal brand is a constant work in progress.)

What Can You Do?

Showing up is a great first step. You are here to build a network.

Photo by speedoflife

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  • How do you want to be remembered?
  • What do you want people to say when you're not in the room?
  • Who do you want to work with?
Determine what you want your brand to be.

Get clear on your dream. Are you late night cable or prime time cable?

Be clear on your audience

It's important to bring your full self to the table, if you want to thrive. This includes your personality, your spirituality and, most importantly, your sense of humor.


"People often get reduced to a one-note song. You’ve got one person who’s the parent, one person who’s a body builder and really into self-improvement, someone else who’s a revolutionary spouting political comments. People often narrow down their personality to one particular feature of their lives. And they get reinforced for that with likes, and so they keep doing more of that.”
–John Suler, psychology professor at Rider University and author of "Psychology of the Digital Age: Humans Become Electric"

What are you passionate ABout?

Connect your personal passions and your brand. It allows you to reach greater levels of success and live a more complete life.

1. Write down 3-5 personal passions/hobbies you devote a significant amount of your time toward.
2. Write down the attributes you live or experience through these personal passions.
3. Write down 3 words to describe the lasting impression you want to leave with others after an encounter.
4. Write down a few goals or career aspirations.
5. Reflect. Is there a correlation between the hobbies and activities you are passionate about and your personal brand? Do the attributes above relate to the 3 words describing your lasting impression you want to leave on others?

Brand Voice

  • What you say and how you say it
  • Get clear on your dream
  • Be clear on your audience
Get clear on your dream.

Are you late night cable or prime time cable? Chelsea Handler vs. Elle DeGeneres. They are both completely themselves. They have multiple personalities, but they show one facet of their personality.

Be clear on your audience.

Still authentically you, but you align your brand voice with the audience you want to reach and the dreams you have. It's not about being one-dimensional, but it is about being conscious about the words you choose to use.

OnliNe Vs. Offline

People will start gathering information and making assumptions about you based on your online presence long before they meet you. It's important to realize this so you don't blow it once they do finally meet you in person.

However, online interactions are not as rich as in-person conversations. You can't read facial expressions and body language online.

Elevator speech
Business cards
Consider how you dress
Exercise, sleep, take care of yourself

Social Media

  • Make connections, market yourself, create new opportunities
  • Create content on topics you're interested in
  • Talk with people, don't just broadcast at them
  • Be yourself, but also realize it is being recorded
  • 80/20 rule
What’s your brand online, how are you presenting yourself?

It's easy for everyone to form the same personality online – “I can’t even…” comments on Facebook, emojis and snarky tweets. We all sound the same.

We are also limited in expressing our selves through a reduced number of channels.

Plus, there’s the knowledge that whatever we write can then be read and re-read by friends, acquaintances and strangers.

But there are many benefits to social media to connect with others.

Quick Tips

  • Clean up your online profiles, check privacy settings and keep them up to date
  • Create and consistently update a blog
  • Attend and volunteer at events, share knowledge and skills, build your network
  • Join relevant organizations
  • Read blogs, magazines, newspapers
  • Comment on social platforms
If you don't share that you're looking for a job, how will anyone know or be able to help connect you?

Be A Lifeline

When you help others, uplift others, bring other along, mentor others, refer others or simply listen to others and help them cope, you develop a brand for being helpful. People remember people who help others.