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Published on Feb 06, 2016

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Susana Martinez & immigrants.

Santa Fe Governor, Susana Martinez, has been wanting to take licenses away from undocumented immigrants.

A greater percent of undocumented immigrants have kids who go to school. If kids do not go do school, how will they get proper education? The answer is, they will not. Children need to go to school to be able to graduate. Then afterwards, go to collage.

If children can't go to school, graduate, and go to collage, there will not be any nurses, doctors, lawyers, etc. This will make a big change in our community.

Why take away licenses away from immigrants who obey most laws? Susana Martinez should suspend all licenses from undocumented immigrants who have 2 or more DWI charges, unpaid tickets, and unattended courts. While those who obey driver's laws can keep thheir drivers license.

Susana Martinez taking licenses away from all undocumented immigrants will affect our community in a negative way. This way kids will get to school, and the laws will be enforced.

The end.